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Is it really that big of deal? Lots of other things in this world to get upset over it seems. I expect a extension every year, and the fall out from this happening from some is hilarious. Some must have very simple lives if this is that big of a deal. I don't care if they extend it 3 weeks as long as i get a tag. I hope out of the extension that a few more father's had time to apply their kids. We can all predict the next battery of drama on the draw date when it's late also. That's when the real complainers come out of the woodwork in groves over an extra week. Holy smokes batman what's the world coming too!!!

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One would think by the BS constantly spewing out trashing Game and Fish, that they send officers daily to every CWT members house to piss on their Cheerios! Those that understand IT and how things work will tell the rest, that even the biggest , highest dollar server houses fail when hit beyond their capacity all at once. You may think that G&F would just say lets spend the money to make sure that our servers can handle 300,000 log-ins and processes any given minute, but trust me not a single one of you here would want the ridiculous amount of money that would cost to be added to your tags or license... Get over your whining and go do something productive today. So what, your chance at a tag got altered by a fraction of a percent... get over it and yourself!

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This whole "it's your fault, don't wait until the last minute" argument is such BS. Just think of it this way... if you had a deer tag and it was the last day and you hadn't killed, you're going to hunt until it's dark. You're not going to quit because it's the last minute are you?

Pretty lame argument. The two aren't even in the same universe to compare. The stupidity of you last minute people is that we all know the site is going to crash EVERY year, yet you continue to try to do it at the last minute, and then want to cry a river when it doesn't work.

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The big deal is all day today everyone that put in when they were supposed has their odds of drawing going lower and lower the more procrastinators put in. The server doesn't need 300,000 logins at any given minute. Because about 290,000 of the applicants put in when they were supposed to and the rest get rewarded for being lazy. Also the longer they extend it the longer it takes for us to get draw results. Lots of different reasons to be upset besides the azgfd being a bunch of money hungry D-bags.

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I've been teaching and coaching for 26 years. Late assignment????tough sh%t. You don't get your block......we lose yards. Game and fish needs to grow a pair. There was no problem, just lazy unorganized people who we have to cader to every day. IMHO :)

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[...Iuote name=rossislider" post="536718" timestamp="1423672947]




This whole "it's your fault, don't wait until the last minute" argument is such BS. Just think of it this way... if you had a deer tag and it was the last day and you hadn't killed, you're going to hunt until it's dark. You're not going to quit because it's the last minute are you?

Pretty lame argument. The two aren't even in the same universe to compare. The stupidity of you last minute people is that we all know the site is going to crash EVERY year, yet you continue to try to do it in last minute and then want to cry a river when it doesn't work.


stupid people? I put in weeks ago and had no problem. I also understand the servers crashing...I just don't understand the lies from G&F.

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To me, it looks like Game and Fish, being a government agency, can't afford to buy the servers necessary to handle the last minute application volume. It would actually be wasteful to do so. You don't want a bunch of expensive high powered servers sitting idle most of the year. Simple solution is to deploy the online application web app to a scalable platform/infrastructure, like Azure. As demand increases, more virtual servers are added to handle that volume. If they really want to fix the problem, the technology is there to avoid this annual failure. Until then, expect the annual extension.

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If you wait until the last minute it is your fault. You had plenty of time. Now all the last minuters get to keep applying making my chances of getting drawn worse. AZGFD just wants to make sure they get every $13 possible. They only have X tags to issue so every application above X is just extra money in there pocket. Extending the deadline just means more people to give them $13.

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To me, it looks like Game and Fish, being a government agency, can't afford to buy the servers necessary to handle the last minute application volume. It would actually be wasteful to do so. You don't want a bunch of expensive high powered servers sitting idle most of the year. Simple solution is to deploy the online application web app to a scalable platform/infrastructure, like Azure. As demand increases, more virtual servers are added to handle that volume. If they really want to fix the problem, the technology is there to avoid this annual failure. Until then, expect the annual extension.

It would be cheaper and probably more effective if they just did a rifle raffle each week for the online applicants cutting off the last week.. So the guys who put in week one has 6 or however many chances to win something each week ... the earlier you put in the more chances you have

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[...Iuote name=rossislider" post="536718" timestamp="1423672947]




This whole "it's your fault, don't wait until the last minute" argument is such BS. Just think of it this way... if you had a deer tag and it was the last day and you hadn't killed, you're going to hunt until it's dark. You're not going to quit because it's the last minute are you?

Pretty lame argument. The two aren't even in the same universe to compare. The stupidity of you last minute people is that we all know the site is going to crash EVERY year, yet you continue to try to do it in last minute and then want to cry a river when it doesn't work.


stupid people? I put in weeks ago and had no problem. I also understand the servers crashing...I just don't understand the lies from G&F.


Sorry, I didn't mean to refer to you. I was referring to the last minute crowd.

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Guest wdenike

If you wait until the last minute it is your fault. You had plenty of time. Now all the last minuters get to keep applying making my chances of getting drawn worse. AZGFD just wants to make sure they get every $13 possible. They only have X tags to issue so every application above X is just extra money in there pocket. Extending the deadline just means more people to give them $13.



So you don't want anyone to infringe on your percentage chance of getting a tag. And are willing to screw someone that really did nothing wrong, out of their opportunity to draw one. And fish and game wants all the thirteen dollars they can get. Seems like two of the same to me. It appears birds of a feather do flock together.




Take care, Willie

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If you wait until the last minute it is your fault. You had plenty of time. Now all the last minuters get to keep applying making my chances of getting drawn worse. AZGFD just wants to make sure they get every $13 possible. They only have X tags to issue so every application above X is just extra money in there pocket. Extending the deadline just means more people to give them $13.



So you don't want anyone to infringe on your percentage chance of getting a tag. And are willing to screw someone that really did nothing wrong, out of their opportunity to draw one. And fish and game wants all the thirteen dollars they can get. Seems like two of the same to me. It appears birds of a feather do flock together.




Take care, Willie


You are incorrect, They did do something wrong. They did not get their app in on time.

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