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This whole "it's your fault, don't wait until the last minute" argument is such BS. Just think of it this way... if you had a deer tag and it was the last day and you hadn't killed, you're going to hunt until it's dark. You're not going to quit because it's the last minute are you?


That has to be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. That would be like saying I had a 400 inch bull broadside at 20 yards, but didn't shoot because it was only 30 minutes into opening day! They give us several weeks to put in every year, I can't think of one good reason to wait until the last day to apply.


Another one that throws a wide loop. Has all the answers for everyone.

Take care, Willie[/quote


A detect a little contradiction, I'm so confused.

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If you wait until the last minute it is your fault. You had plenty of time. Now all the last minuters get to keep applying making my chances of getting drawn worse. AZGFD just wants to make sure they get every $13 possible. They only have X tags to issue so every application above X is just extra money in there pocket. Extending the deadline just means more people to give them $13.

So you don't want anyone to infringe on your percentage chance of getting a tag. And are willing to screw someone that really did nothing wrong, out of their opportunity to draw one. And fish and game wants all the thirteen dollars they can get. Seems like two of the same to me. It appears birds of a feather do flock together.

Take care, Willie


Apparently you have never read the websites disclaimer on the front page. They extend the draw to not piss people off and make more money.


The Department makes no representation or warranties in relation to this website, the operation of the web-based application process or the information or materials provided on the website. By using this website and the web-based application process, you assume all risks associated with the use of the website, and the Department disclaims any liability for damages resulting from use or misuse of the website, including failure to complete or transmit an application prior to the deadline date or any errors in the application or transmission.


This disclaimer means the deadline date should be 100% a hard deadline. You have plenty of time to get your online app done or take it to G&F directly. I make sure to give myself at least 1 full day incase there is an online issue so I have time to take the app to g&f in person if I need too.


It's not my fault you waited to long and can't read the rules. If you read the rules and still gambled on the worst odds on how to submit your app and lost why is that everyone else's problem? Let's stop changing rules to make everything "fair".


Life isn't fair.



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Let me clarify just a bit.


Say your boss gives everyone in the entire company a 10 minute assignment in December, and everyone who finished it would be put in a drawing for $1000. He says I need it completed before I leave the office on February 10th, and if you do not complete it before I leave on Feb. 10th, you are fired.


Then, on February 10th, he leaves an hour early, just as you start the assignment you had months to prepare. Now, you no longer have a job when you come into work on January 11th because you did not complete a task that was given to you months before with one specific request. Is it fair to whine and bitch and throw a temper tantrum when all of the other employees completed their task and turned it in before the boss departed for the day, meeting the deadline, most of them not waiting until the last minute? Is it fair if you, just you, get an extension on the deadline because YOU waited until the last minute? It sure is not fair to the other people who did complete the task on time and are now entered into the drawing.


People need to be responsible for their own procrastination. If it bites you in the butt, I bet you don't do it again...

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Ok lance a dead line is a dead line. G+f set it 7 pm. Computer crash at 6 pm. Their fault. To extend for 24 more hours b.s They do need to make up the hour. To me thats the bottom line. Im not the procrastinator, I had no problems 3 weeks ago. Sorry for my crap grammer, im in a hurry.

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I don't think the servers ever crashed when Sci-Fi Nevada did the draw years ago, Game and Fish, I think fired them because they were to expensive.

I wonder how many hunters that wait untill the last day to put in hunt more then a couple days? The die hards I know would never wait untill the end to put in.




I am pretty much in the woods from August To January, there aren't many hunters on any given hunt still out hunting the last hour.

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It's been a while since I was in the IT world but......


It's pretty obvious they don't have the equipment to handle the surge every draw cycle. If they did it would sit idle most of the year expect the two main draws. The equipment would be outdated every other cycle any way.


So why try to do the draw inhouse? I bet there's no less than 100 IT firms in state that could handle a draw cycle incident free and cheaper.

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Here is my $.02 on the subject

1) Game and Fish needs to set up something where they can tell who is trying to put in before 6:45 on the deadline. Then the next day only these applicants can put in again.

2) All of you are going to hate me, but I kind of like how they extend the deadline. I assume that all the people that put in within the last hour, or until the extended deadline, are amateur hunters who aren't very serious about hunting yet (not as serious about the people on this site). Haha I imagine its like my dad putting my family in when we first moved here, where us kids are begging him to put us in but he is always so busy that he only remembers until the last minute. I also imagine that Dad getting extremely lucky and getting his kids drawn and that their hunt is what gets them addicted to this sport.


Good luck to everyone in the draw this year

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For the past 19 years I have applied by paper. The past twelve years have been on the last day! My schedule is planned to apply around noon on deadline day, always paper.'before I lived near an office it was mailed a week in advance. However, if you want to wail til the last possible second to hit submit online, you should be able to! eBay does it? But when it's done it needs to be done! Work til the end of the time Stated and be done

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Ok lance a dead line is a dead line. G+f set it 7 pm. Computer crash at 6 pm. Their fault. To extend for 24 more hours b.s They do need to make up the hour. To me thats the bottom line. Im not the procrastinator, I had no problems 3 weeks ago. Sorry for my crap grammer, im in a hurry.

My comments were not aimed at anyone in particular, so I am sorry if you took it personally.

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Ok lance a dead line is a dead line. G+f set it 7 pm. Computer crash at 6 pm. Their fault. To extend for 24 more hours b.s They do need to make up the hour. To me thats the bottom line. Im not the procrastinator, I had no problems 3 weeks ago. Sorry for my crap grammer, im in a hurry.

My comments were not aimed at anyone in particular, so I am sorry if you took it personally.

No worries here , its game on and nothing personal. Cant fix it, enjoy it. :)

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Let me start off by saying my apps were,and have been submitted.Furthermore it's 2015 servers today can and should be able to handle the load.Some glitches can occur but should be recoverable.To completely shut down for long 2-4 hours is unheard of in today's times.My stuff which is both mechanical,and electronic just handled every person that was at the Super Bowl zero issues in a short ammont of time.It can be done if the effort is put forward before hand. Leaving the end user with next to zero problems! I really have no dog in this fight but,trust me with today's technogles it can,and is done every day..

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I am laughing as this to me is funny. My NM draws are already in place 6 weeks before the deadline here. Just think it could be worse. What if they delayed the draw results by 24 hours, 48 hours or a week? What if the crash took out every bodies application? I expect I could see the mushroom cloud to the southwest from my house.


I expect that they have the draw results long before they announce them in case there is a glitch. You all have proved that here in NM that is the case. You may not know what units you drew but know a week in advance if you drew. :rolleyes:

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