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Its sad to read the negativity directed at Kirby as he has single-handedly done more to improve Montezuma quail populations than anyone in the last 20 years (in my opinion).


Hunter impacts on populations have been studied/published a great deal, If you look into the findings a bit I think you'll find that your over-reacting to think that one article in gun dog is going to impact quail numbers and your daily success.

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Its sad to read the negativity directed at Kirby as he has single-handedly done more to improve Montezuma quail populations than anyone in the last 20 years (in my opinion).


Hunter impacts on populations have been studied/published a great deal, If you look into the findings a bit I think you'll find that your over-reacting to think that one article in gun dog is going to impact quail numbers and your daily success.


Totally agree. Its theme that you run into a lot in hunting. A lot of people think that "outsiders" are going to ruin "their" little area. When in reality, as long as a person is a Legal Hunter, properly licensed, there are no outsiders.

To think game and fish commissions have no right to publish information about the species they manage or a private magazine has no right is just crazy.

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That would be akin to the whitehouse chief of staff deciding to go target shooting and joining the NRA expecting no repercussions. because he did it on his own time.


ROFL!!!! Um...okay. I can see that there is no chance of having a sensible discourse on this.


Who exactly is naïve here? You go on believing that someone who happens to work for government isn't entitled to a personal life or to pursue the same hobbies that led to him seeking out a career in the field in the first place. There is no conspiracy to "commercialize" hunting of your stupid little birds (what you have described is not "commercial" hunting, by the way...at most it is promotion of a resource and unique hunting opportunity....don't go throwing around terms like "commercial hunting" without thinking about what that really means), but if that belief keeps you warm at night, who am I to try to talk you back down with reason?

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Anyone who hunts with dogs knows about mearns it doesnt matter if they life in Maine or Arizona. These birds are the best for hunting over a pointing dog hands down. I don't think one article will actually do anything to the hunting grounds since every year NSTRA has field trials during season in Sonoita and there are still healthy bird numbers. You have to remember that to true bird hunters that travel to different states killing isn't as important to them as seeing their dog point a new species of bird and work in the field. I am not as much of a die hard as some and I even run my dog on birds 50-70 days a year and kill hundreds of quail and chukar a year during trials/training over her. When I am down south I just want to see my dog run well and point wild birds. If I shoot some that's a plus.

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I couldn't have said it better than Upland81. I completely agree 100%. I love watching my dog work. I took her out over 30 times this past season. Everytime I took her out was a blast even if I didn't get any birds. I'm already looking forward to next season.

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I didn't get out as much as I wanted to last season my wife and I had our second son in January. I am counting down to next season too along with the start of the AZPDC.org trials. I've never had a hobby that I've enjoyed as much as pointing dogs.

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Jackshoe- If you really think that a Game ranger can not or will not take out a guy hunting, without getting permission, you are seriously mistaken. I have a buddy who is a ranger, and he takes out people every year. He assists on many hunts and gets no compensation for it. It may not be in your character to help someone without receiving compensation, but most Game managers will. Most LOVE their job, and clearly do not do it for the money... Your rant is baseless and very Naïve..

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