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javelina meat

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Guess we need a new sub-topic on the forum to post in entitled "Meat Donations" to allow the recycling of game meats to keep them from being wasted.

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What i have done when skinning is use 1 knife for removing skin from around scent glands and change knives to complete the skinning job. Prepping meat the same as any other game will take care of the rest. Have made meat in crock pot, hole, etc and have had no complaints. Best of luck to all Javi hunters.

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Well I figured after seeing another thread offering to give one away it reminded me of a customer I had in the shop who told me he and his family always tag out and none of them will use it so they simply throw it away. To me that's such a waste.

Thats why I dont hunt them. Killem and throw the meat is b.s. and illegal.


So to clarify I asked him if it would be legal if I shot an elk, then took it home and threw it in my garbage can and he said it was.


BLASPHEMY!!! Watch out for lightning, even God loves elk meat. ;)

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Javelina is delicious if you take care of it in the field. Javelina bakstrap is better than deer or elk IMO.

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For me, backstrap and tenderloins get marinated, wrapped in bacon, and grilled. Everything else is processed into chorizo/sausage. Javelina is nothing short of excellent. Cut well beneath all the flank to avoid any scent glands and don't let the hide come in contact with the meat. I haven't shared Javelina with a single person that didn't enjoy it.


And on topic, I can't resist.. To each their own but I have trouble respecting people that hunt game just to give/throw away the meat. Sharing whatever portion of it with people that need and/or appreciate it is another story. But go predator hunting if you just want to kill, and leave the game for harvesting.

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I will gladly take javelina meat too and am glad to see a thread to find a home for unwanted meat.


Don't forget that another option for freezer burned or unwanted game meat is to donate it to a wildlife rehabilitation center like Adobe Mountain. They are always looking for donations of game meat. Keep them in mind next time you have some that you can't use.


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Last year I had one guy donate his javi to me. He simply gutted it in field and threw a bag of ice in it, called me up and I drove down picked it up and did all the rest. I've also had people suggest I offer to reimburse the cost of the hunters tag fees if they give me their pig but I do not know of the legality or ethicality of that

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BTW I was not trying to start a debate or upset anyone on here. I simply figured if someone doesn't want their javelina meat I would offer to take it off their hands. Thanks to those of you who understand.

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Like someone stated above - any game animal can taste bad if the meat is not PROPERLY cared for, in the field - during transportation and when processing -- cooking is the easy part


Some people may not like the taste - but to say its uneatable is B.S.


1- Skin it out - DO NOT EVEN MESS WITH SCENT GLAND - avoid touching the clean meat with your hands after touching the legs / hide ,you"ll contaminate the meat - during this process is when 90% of contamination happens

its best if you can hang the animal for easier skinning that way your just handling the skin and not touching the meat


2 - keep the meat clean and cool as possible always use a game bag of some kind to keep the meat clean and ice down if possible to keep it cool - meat must be able to cool down


these simple steps will make for better tasting game animals


I'd be put on the list for accepting unwanted game meat -- IF its handled properly in the field - and not freezer burned for 2-3 yrs


nothing worse than a stinky - warm carcass of any kind!


game meat is basically odor free - it has a clean smell- if not it's your fault

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Elk are supposed to taste nasty this upcoming season too because of some fungus that grows in years with above average rain. The meat will be useless but I'll take it off your hands for you.:-)

I think a lot of game meat, javelina included, gets a bad rap just from bad handling. Excellent suggestions in other posts. You think your beef butcher gets hair, urine, feces and other secretions on the meat or drives around with it, hide on in the hot sun? Even the best beef would be tainted if handled that way.

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NOT meaning to hijack.... however if you get too much javi meat, I too will take any that some wants to get rid of. Thanks.

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What i have done when skinning is use 1 knife for removing skin from around scent glands and change knives to complete the skinning job. Prepping meat the same as any other game will take care of the rest. Have made meat in crock pot, hole, etc and have had no complaints. Best of luck to all Javi hunters.

The scent gland is IN the hide, no need to cut it out separately.

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I'm going on my H.A.M. hunt this weeekend and 2 of my meals will be javelina: tacos and green chili. I'd like to make javelina lasagna too, but don't have enough time.

Throwing away usable game meat should be a crime, IMO.

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Couestracker--I should have worded that a little different. I know scent gland is in the hide, my preference when skinning is once passed the gland and hide is coming off i change knives.

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