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Why Can't The Fools At AZGFD Get There Sheet Together

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Every year it is something different. My license from last year has expired. I bought a new one over the counter. When applying for elk on line, my expired license number comes up and it won't let me change it.

Am I the only one sick of this stupidity? They have got to be the most ignorant bunch of fools ever. It is a good thing they work for AZGF because they couldn't hold a job in the real world.

I am sure putting in for a tag with an expired license number will work. NOT!

I guess I'll use a paper application and waste a day to drive them down.

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You do know you can send it in right? That would alleviate the "waste a day". I think it's kind of funny how so many people complain about what's wrong, instead of realizing what a good thing we have. At least you don't have to go stand in line at the office for every drawn.

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Every year it is something different. My license from last year has expired. I bought a new one over the counter. When applying for elk on line, my expired license number comes up and it won't let me change it.

Am I the only one sick of this stupidity? They have got to be the most ignorant bunch of fools ever. It is a good thing they work for AZGF because they couldn't hold a job in the real world.

I am sure putting in for a tag with an expired license number will work. NOT!

I guess I'll use a paper application and waste a day to drive them down.

Not sure about you or anyone else. But I have made mistakes at work. Ish happens. I'm sure no one at G&F did it to you on purpose. Take a deep breath, it will all be ok.

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I have been doing this for many years. I fire people who are this incompetent. Every year it is something different. Any one can make a mistake once in a while. It seems every year we have some sort of problem with the draw and the online system. I hunt other states and have never ever had a problem with their application online. We live in Arizona so I guess we get used to the incompetence.

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Just had to read this to see what the g and f was being blamed for. It's not due for a week , mail sounds good unless you don't trust the post office.

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I think its incompetant fools who cant figure out how to put in right and blame someone else for their stupidity

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Nah! Just blowing off steam. It just seems that it never ends with the amount of incompetence demonstrated by the Game and Fish. If you are going to do something, do it right, or just don't do it at all. I wish they would spend the money and hire someone with the ability to run the online process. I think who ever made their online application site is the same person who Obama hired to build his Obama care website. Take the money they are wasting on the Grey Wolves and pay someone with the experience to run their online program.

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My license from last year expired on the 17th. I submitted for the draw online with my SSN and left the dept. ID number as it was. It was accepted and went through without a hitch. I then went back to the license purchase page and bought a new license with the same dept ID number on it.


Bummer you had trouble with it. Little stuff like that drives me crazy too but I worked around it somehow without wasting a stamp or my time.

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The only problem is I already bought a new license a couple of weeks ago at a sports shop on my way out hunting. The form says to type my license number in but there is already my old number in the application and it won't let me type in the new number.

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I think this has been brought up a week ago or so. Supposedly if I remember right it should automatically update with the new number at some point. Unless this is something different that is going on. I will find out tomorrow as I will be doing the same thing.

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I bet you come unglued when someone messes up your order too. It's got to be exhausting being that worked up over the small stuff.

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Why can't the Az G&F get their chit together???


Uhhhmmm..... cuz they're the government? :blink:

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