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6.5 creed bullet choice help.

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I bought my wife a savage 111 lightweight hunter in 6.5 creed. What bullet choice would you guys recommend? . I need to go factory as I don't reload. Yet. She is looking to hunt deer pigs etc. I bought some 120 gr a-max to sight in with and hunt pigs in three weeks. I would like to end up shooting 140s with a high bc so i can get the cds turret from leupold for the finished load. I have read mixed reports of how the a-max performed on animals. What experience do y'all have and what would you recommend? Thanks in advance. Eric

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I have heard great results with the A-Max bullets on game, but I have no personal experience with them.


Hornady has a 140gr. A-Max load. http://www.hornady.com/store/6.5-Creedmoor-140-gr-A-MAX/

Nosler makes a 140gr. Custom Comp load. http://www.nosler.com/match-grade-rifle-ammunition

Nosler makes a 140gr. NBT load. http://www.nosler.com/trophy-grade-ammunition

Copper Creek Ammunition has 9 different loadings. http://coppercreekammo.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=48

Winchester makes a 140gr. SMK load. http://www.winchester.com/Products/rifle-ammunition/Advanced/Match/Pages/S65CM.aspx


I have no problem shooting Match HP bullets on game. They are not recommended by the manufacturer, but in my experience, work phenomenally. Shot placement is priority #1, and match bullets do that just fine.


I have a 6.5 Super LR, but if I had a Creedmoor, I would help you out and load some up for you. Buy some dies, and components, and have someone show you how. You will have a ton more availability. I like the Berger bullets myself.

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Here is one of the 162gr Amax bullets I recovered from my cow elk this year. I was very impressed with how well the bullet held together. This bullet went through both shoulder blades and stopped under the hide. Impact velocity was around 2100fps.


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Everything mentioned will be great. WAATCH out for the 140gn a max though. I have seen a lot of different LOT numbers blowing primers and just seem too hot.

Nosler is superior you will not go wrong with Nosler.

Winchester now makes a 140 Grain Sierra MatchKing Hollow Point Boat Tail Winchester Match Ammunition.

I have hear a lot of great reviews from guys shooting yotes and deer with them.

Buy a box of each and see what the gun likes.


I have 2 6.5 Creedmoors and use 140 gn Bergers with nosler cases. If you ever get to reloading the Bergers perform flawlessly.

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Wait and see what Hornady will be releasing as soon as their IP clears. I can't go into detail but it's going to be great for LR hunting. Especially for 3000+ velocities.

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The only thing I could see Hornady building for a 6.5 Creedmoor to attain 3K+ would be a 120gr. A-Max over Superformance loading. The 120 GMX Superformance load is listed at 3010.


Or a new 120/140 A-Max LR bullet design to bump BC up even more. That would be cool.

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  On 1/29/2015 at 1:57 PM, lancetkenyon said:

The only thing I could see Hornady building for a 6.5 Creedmoor to attain 3K+ would be a 120gr. A-Max over Superformance loading. The 120 GMX Superformance load is listed at 3010.


Or a new 120/140 A-Max LR bullet design to bump BC up even more. That would be cool.

Sorry my last post wasn't specific enough. I wasn't implying that Hornady was creating a bullet that would allow the 6.5 creedmoor to produce velocitys over 3000fps. I was simply implying that they will have a better projectile that incorporates high BC and terminal ballistic performance. (For those cartridges that are pushing 3000+ velocities) Hornady has stumbled upon some very interesting data on the behavior of projectiles going this fast and have set out to improve. On another note they have also found a more accurate way to mesure BC therefore their publishings are more accurate now. Have you noticed many of their published BCs on their website have changed?

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Now look what you have gone and done. I'll have to build a new rifle to maximize the potential of this new bullet. Thanks a lot.

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  On 1/29/2015 at 3:36 PM, speedygoss said:


  On 1/29/2015 at 1:57 PM, lancetkenyon said:

The only thing I could see Hornady building for a 6.5 Creedmoor to attain 3K+ would be a 120gr. A-Max over Superformance loading. The 120 GMX Superformance load is listed at 3010.


Or a new 120/140 A-Max LR bullet design to bump BC up even more. That would be cool.

Sorry my last post wasn't specific enough. I wasn't implying that Hornady was creating a bullet that would allow the 6.5 creedmoor to produce velocitys over 3000fps. I was simply implying that they will have a better projectile that incorporates high BC and terminal ballistic performance. (For those cartridges that are pushing 3000+ velocities) Hornady has stumbled upon some very interesting data on the behavior of projectiles going this fast and have set out to improve. On another note they have also found a more accurate way to mesure BC therefore their publishings are more accurate now. Have you noticed many of their published BCs on their website have changed?


I was thinking maybe a Creedmoor +P load?


It will be interesting to see what they come up with for new bullet designs. The game is changing as far a high BC bullets go. Berger VLD, Berger Hybrids, NAB LR, Matrix, SMK (TSMK), etc. are all upping their games, so glad to see Hornady is following suit. I know the A-Max has a big following, so an A-MAX LR would sell like hotcakes if they go that route.

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SSTs work great in the 6.5 at a wide range of velocities. If there is factory ammo with the 140 SST, I'm sure you'll love them. I use them in 6.5x55 with great results.

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Thanks for all the info guys. It helps me to streamline the process a little.

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