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Mike S

Hunting Rifle Shoot at PRGC Jan 31st

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Attention Hunters and Shooters,


Phoenix Rod and Gun Club is having a Hunting Rifle Shoot on Saturday January 31st, 8:00AM, arrive early for set up. Cost is $15 for non club members, $10 for members.

We will be shooting animal targets ranging from javelina to deer, bear, antelope and maybe elk from 100 to 400+ yards from field positions, some with time or other constraints. There will be several different stages with fewer than 35 rounds fired. You can use different rifles (hunting type) for different stages if you wish.

This is intended not as a shooting match but as an opportunity to practice with your hunting gear and techniques in field conditions. Bring anything you would use on a hunt and nothing you wouldn’t.

It will be at the PRGC High Power Range. PRGC is at the southern end of 7th AVENUE (not street) up against the mountain. HP is accessed at the gate to the left at the back of the public range parking lot.

For additional info see: http://arizona-rifle... ... -PRGC.html

Hope to see you there. Feel free to post or PM with questions


Mike Samer


Hunting Rifle Shoot Director

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Yes, we'll see how it goes, but I plan to be there around 7AM to start setting up. We will have a steel deer and boar target this time that will help us keep shooting if it rains.

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