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AZGF Legal Fund/Western States Coalition ?

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I tossed this out on Bowsite, and it seemed to have merit, so I'll post it here. This could be something we do ourselves, or a suggestion to G&F


Not to second guess the AZGF's Legal Team, but it occurred to me that there MUST be lots of Attorneys that hunt, here in AZ. What about starting a movement to find Attorneys experienced in Wildlife Management, States' Rights, Interstate commerce, etc.? Attorneys that would be willing to work pro bono or reduced rates.


Since Nevada, Montana, and some other western states are now being targeted by USO, it would also make sense to me to extend this concept, and form a Western States Alliance, with a dream team of lawyers, to fight USO - on behalf of several western states...


Just an idea

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Guest Ernesto C

Muskrat,if I'm not mistaken I think that is already in progress. Az,Nevada,Idaho and some other states are getting together to fight USO.


Ernesto C.

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The key to this whole mess is to get action in states that are out of the 9th circuits jurisdiction and to get a contradictory opinion in another circuit ( see: http://www.uscourts.gov/links.html ). Then the Supreme Court would have to get involved. The 9th circuit is the most overturned court of appeals in the country since it is a very activist court.

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You are correct and I hoe that the current case in Wyoming is the contrary ruling! We were told that there is a similar c ase going on now that could be in the 10 circuit before long. Lets all Hope they don't want to follow the lead of the 9th circus court of raw deals.

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I got this from another site. Anyone heard anything??


"The ball may start rolling and in our favor now!

I have been told by a very reliable source that there is a group forming called "Sportsmen's for Wildlife". These individuals are a group of Arizona lawyers who are hunters that will be representing AZ and AZ hunters on the political battlefield and in the courts. They are very disgruntled regarding the recent USO lawsuit and have chosen not to sit on the sidelines to see what happens!


They have just finished up their brochure and will be sending out a bunch when they come hot off the press this next week. They are taking the finalized version to the publishers this week. We should have all kinds of information next week on them and what they are trying to do.


These lawyers mentioned above have started a group that would like every hunter in the state becoming a member- no charge as they have all the funds necessary. However, they need numbers behind them as they represent us in court- Ninth Circuit and Supreme which they have been in front of for many years. These lawyers have been fed up with no representation in court for the sportsmen in the state.


I will keep you updated as soon as I get the info. We will probably be asking for Members and E-mail address?s in the very near future.


AZ Residents Keep hope!"

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