Xnt Report post Posted January 13, 2015 I'm sure most freedom loving outdoorsmen that visit this forum have paid attention to what has happened in Washington state last November. A crew of gated-community thugs who live under protection of armed body guards pitched in the big bucks to mislead the masses. Their target? Private gun sales. With the Sheeple coming out in force to vote in legalizing marijuana on the same ballot, Initiative 594 passed with 60% of the vote. Now in Washington State, if you want to sell a gun privately, or even hand a gun to your buddy temporarily, a background check must be completed lest you become a criminal in the eyes of the law. Today in The Examiner a freedom hater spilled the beans about their true intentions about 594: registration. Yes, that is the next step--registration. That way we know who owns what gun and who doesn’t. It’s a no brainer. Little steps. We will get there and hopefully reduce the abismal (sic) gun violence statistics that Amerca (sic) has compared to other 1st world nation. Thankfully most of us aren't so daft and myopic to never mind the infringements on the freedoms of other Americans. Moreover, some including myself are preparing for the gun grabbers next target: Arizona. Yep, you guessed it. They're coming here and Nevada next. Nevada will likely see this measure on the ballot as well. It seems that having marijuana legalization also on the ballot will be a repeated strategy. This is not a paid plug and I don't get anything for saying this, but I hope you will join me with the civil rights organizations that are actively fighting for our ever assaulted rights. AzCDL, or Arizona Citizens Defense League is the pro-gun group that brought us permitless, Constitutional carry of concealed weapons, amongst other great advancements in the past few years. They have also stopped many bad bills in their tracks. I just renewed my membership with them. Most of the staff is unpaid and I believe there is one paid lobbyist. They need both a large number of members on their rolls to keep their clout with the legislature and public to blunt the advancements of Bloomberg and his buddies. You can join today for as little as $30. http://www.azcdl.org/html/membership.html. Who else here is a member? The Second Amendment Foundation has generously bankrolled a lawsuit against I-594 in Washington so they received a donation from me as well. What about you? This is the cheapest investment you can make in your rights. I hope you will join me in getting out ahead of this movement before it winds up on the ballot here in Arizona. Sadly I don't think we can count on the NSSF to help stop this movement--if it makes private sales less appealing it will spurn more retail sales. Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. -Ronald Reagan. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Whitesheep Report post Posted January 19, 2015 I belong to the AzCDL and agree with everything Xnt wrote. Remember the old story. "When they came for automatic weapons I didn't care because I don't own one. When they came for semi auto rifles I didn't care because I don't hunt with one. When they came for pistols I didn't care because I carry a revolver. When they came from my revolver I figured I still had my shot gun and bolt rifle. When they came for these no else cared because.............." If you hunt with firearm or bow in AZ you really must consider supporting AzCDL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites