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lost pack!!

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A good friend lost his pack headed home from a successful pig hunt, its somewhere between circle k in Florence and Southwestern meat processing.....I told him the good peeps of CouesWhitetail will find it!

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If it was in back of the truck when he stopped at circle k someone might have swiped it. Maybe they video cameras?

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He has a toyota forerunner and stopped in Florence for ice but he believes he put it back and remembers it at the game processor. He thinks he left it on top when he moved it to get his ice chest out

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If it was dropped in the city, good luck getting it back. Too many people who would just pick it up and take it. I hope he did not have a lot of high end stuff in it. Watch Craig's List.

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Thanks everyone, luckily his binos weren't in there but he estimates around 1k loss w everything in there sure hope he gets it back...

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File a Police Report and put an ad in the local paper. I keep my pack in the bed sometimes but I tie id down or run a bungy through it. Good luck maybe someone found it who will try to get it back to him. I keep a business card in mine and have been thinking of adding a luggage tag too.

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