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How common is it . . .

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For guys to take a buck on the archery hunt and then hunt rifle the same year anyway or vice versa.


I have a buddy who has started doing this every year. Makes me wonder, is this the exception or the rule?


I quit hunting with him after doing every hunt together for 15 yrs cause of his shenanigans. But man, it still kind of chaps my backside a bit.

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Who knows how common it is. Im sure your "buddy" isnt the only one. It is poaching if he gets two, and its illegal if hes out rilfe hunting after killing in January. I doubt theres a system in place to verify it even if he were to get pulled over. Smart of you to get away from him, most likely its not the only shady thing about him.

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Call it what you like but I wouldn't call him my buddy but I would call him in and reportIit. G+F will monitor this and catch him. Maybe I'm wrong but in my opinion knowing he's doing this illegally and not reporting it is just as bad as joining him in poaching.

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Obviously, I know this is illegal and it's not something I support or participate in (obviously since I previously stated I don't hunt with this guy).


I have reported people for game violations in the past and participated in several azgfd investigations, none of which have ever resulted in a prosecution. It just requires far more evidence than is typically available in these situations. For instance in this case; there is almost no way to prove he has already harvested a deer this year w/o him admitting it. Then, there I almost no way to prove he is hunting deer again w/o him admitting it again. If caught in the field w/a bow or rifle he can say he is hunting lions, coyotes, jack rabbits, coatimundi, chupacabra, etc.


I think the only way for this to be prevented is to require folks to turn in their OTC tag in order to pickup their draw tag. That would not be 100% effective and I am not sure I want to go down that road. But I do think this is pretty common, I am a by the books guy and won't share a fire with others who aren't, but I have known several guys over the years who do this with little threat to getting caught.

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I know that happens a lot more than people think and I'm worried that if it continues, the GF is going to go to a draw for all archery tags. I've heard people defend it with "hey, the deer has a tag on it" but Ive never been tempted to take 2 in one year. It's just a matter of time before that take away the OTC archery deer tags.

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Don't any archery deer taken have to be reported to g and f ? I believe they do.

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Back in the 80's you could legally take a second deer, at least in Unit 29. But we have a lot more hunters today and populations have crashed.

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Bag limit is one per calendar year. Has been for some time. He's a thief .....

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