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22 North Bull Tag

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I was drawn for the November Archery Bull tag in 22 North. I have never drawn there before, I usually just drive through there on my way to 27. Anyone out there know what I can expect as far as the quality of the bulls I will encounter. Am I going to need to shoot the first bull I see, or should I hold out for big daddy? I will be making many trips up there the next eight months, but any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Guys.

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I was drawn for the November Archery Bull tag in 22 North. I have never drawn there before, I usually just drive through there on my way to 27. Anyone out there know what I can expect as far as the quality of the bulls I will encounter. Am I going to need to shoot the first bull I see, or should I hold out for big daddy? I will be making many trips up there the next eight months, but any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Guys.



I will tell you this...... you drew the toughest archery tag in the state if you are looking to harvest a big bull. If you look at the regs. you will see that hunter success is very low. Mostly due to the time of year. Your best scouting can be done now...... looking for horns. If you pass up any bull on that hunt it might be the only chance you get. This is a hunting opportunity not a trophy hunt.... I've had your tag before and have the same hunt in 23 this year. I will shoot the the first bull I see most likely and I do consider myself a trophy hunter. But in the Nov. archery hunts ANY bull is a trophy. Best of Luck.


Oh yeah.... and butter up to ol' GameHauler..... :D .... He has had very good success on that hunt over the years! ;)

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I too have hunted that unit a few times in the past 10 years and I have the tag again this year. Like as already been said I would not pass the first mature bull unless you have an isolated honey hole where they are abundant. ;)

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300" plus bul




????? :huh:



That is pretty optimistic for that hunt.... ;) ....IMO. I think any 5 or 6 point that presents an opportunity should get an arrow in the ribs. :D

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I have had this or the cow hunt several times and as CnS said, it has to be one of the hardest hunts in the state.

As the regs show there is only a mid teens success rate.

Between my hunting buddys and myself I have been part of this hunt for at least a dozen years.

We have worked VERY hard to figure it out and have done pretty good, having a success rate of about 60%.

My first advise is do not bother hunting untill the 13th day :unsure:

Gods rule for unit 22 is that you must spend 13 cold long days in a stand before you can harvest :D

The weather is the 2nd main controlling factor of this hunt

If it does not rain before the hunt, tanks work well but that is getting harder to do with the increase of hunters on the limited number of tanks. This is even more true the second week of the hunt when the cow hunters are also out there.

You more than likely will have other hunters walk in on you if you sit a tank.

We have gone into or stands more than once and had a hunter sitting in it.

We will quietly walk over and tell that hunter that it is my stand but you beat me here today, but I do plan on hunting here latter or tommorrow. wish them luck, ask them not to gut the animal there, and walk away.

I know this sounds a little strange but as the hunter is sitting in your stand, thinking about what just happened, total confusion comes over them and they fall out and die :lol: :D

No, really, they gain respect for your sportsmanship and will usually give you the respect and curtisy you deserve with no conflict.

There are people who spot and stalk with success.

the bulls generly are not in the same areas in Nov as they are in Sep during the rut making them harder to find.

I do not agree with CnS on scouting now for sheds, we have found very few near our set-ups.

As far a quality, My bubby laughs at me every year when I say I am holding out for a 300" plus.

In all the bulls we have shot we only have 1 right at 300.

My best is about a 250" 5X5. Shot a 4X4 on day 13 I had passed up twice on a GREAT year.

and 2 spikes on day 13 for the freezer.

Just get out there and do your best and plan on hunting the whole time.

Good Luck, Mike :D

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this hunt will test your mental toughness. It is difficult, but some guys have been very successful. make a plan and stick to it.

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Unbelievable advise guys thanks for all of it. I am going to hit it hard this weekend trying to find my bearings along the Unit's border lines, so if you see a fatboy in a red Tacoma with a beautiful blonde tell him to please return my wife :P . My wife and I will be out there, maybe I will see some of you guys out there.

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I was up in 22 north in Sep for archery deer and i saw 2 5x5s and many cows , but have not been there in nov. i drew a 23 nov. archery hunt (cow) i know thats gonna take alot a work and some luck to be successful but i love the area and im looking foward to the chase, but i dont plan to do some scouting till after the weather changes.

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