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THIS ONES FOR YOU tjhunt2!!!!!!

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Hope everyone that ventured out this fine day connected with their quarry. I was fortunate enough to get mine .As I sat less than thirty yards from a herd of Javelina for over three hours waiting for a shot on the big one I kept thinking about TJ and what had happened I thought that if I got one I would dedicate to TJ.


As I was crawling to a shooting point amongst all the Ocotillos I heard a pig cough just to my right. I looked and under a Hackberry bush only 12 yards away to see movement. Now I can't move and there was no shot opportunity on any of them. The waiting game has started. Finally they start to move and mill around. Three juveniles walk right past me and into the bush and I ready the PSE as the big pig follows the others. She steps behind one last Ocotillo and I draw back and wait for her to step out.... SWHACK and she goes down. Pigs explode from everywhere, one pig runs right for me, flail my arms as the pig reaches the five yard mark and he stops short and makes a right turn then stops at fifteen yards and continues to woof and pop his teeth. I quickly move into position to put a second shot into the wounded pig. This was a great day afield, snow on the ground and pigs all around.





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Nice dedication, and great pig!

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Man look at those ocotillos they are crazy thick. Nice job

That's why I sat there for over three hours, I finally got to a spot that gave me 35 yards of openness and they ultimately walked towards me and into a different spot for a 20 yard shot.

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Congratulations on your pig and thanks for dedicating it to me Stephen. Sorry for the late reply. I've been out of town and I'm not to computer savy with my phone. I feel honored. Thank you very much. :)



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Good job of sticking with it.....and to it! Looks like a big one. Did you get the weight?

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Congratulations on your pig and thanks for dedicating it to me Stephen. Sorry for the late reply. I've been out of town and I'm not to computer savy with my phone. I feel honored. Thank you very much. :)



Well Tj with this being your favorite game animal and your unfortunate accident I knew this was the best way to put a smile on your face. Now it's my turn to be a "walking wounded" I have a major infection in my right hand and arm from a cat bite. Dr says next few days are critical as to weather the treatment needs to get more serious or not. Can't shoot my my bow right now, hand a too swollen.


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Good job of sticking with it.....and to it! Looks like a big one. Did you get the weight?

I didn't get an actual weight but I think she dressed around 45lbs.


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Awesome story. Being amongst animals pinned down is what excites me the most about bowhunt ing. Congratulations!

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Sorry to hear that Stephen. :mellow: Cat bites are the worse. Thoughts and prayers for you and lets hope the infection gets stopped with medication. Hang in there.



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