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Up close pack of coyotes

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I heard them in my neighbors trees at 5 am this morning so I've been watching. About 7:15 I see one walking my back property line. I make my play and quickly get 20 yards from them. They have no idea I'm there. There are 2 big ones keeping watch and 3 other smaller ones playing. This went on for a good five minutes while I stood watching them have a grand ol' time rolling around with each other.


Why was I only watching? My neighbors dog was running his property line barking not 10 yards behind the yotes along with about 20 horses.


Crafty little creatures they are. All I needed was for one of the five to walk to the left just a couple yards.


I will admit they were fun to watch and that's the closest I've been to that many at once.


On the other hand, if you were driving around this morning and happened to see a lady out in a field in pajamas with a camo jacket following coyotes - it wasn't me!




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If I saw a nature girl wearing pj's watching coyotes whose birthday is in Nov. I would be very careful. LOL

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20 Yards? Where was your bow? Do you live out in the country? Have good relationship with your neighbors? Where was your shotgun?


Ernesto C :)

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Man that's cool, I have been calling yotes from my side property wall and getting them close but they won't break the brush and give me a shot. I get several close all the time. I have my bow ready but haven't got a shot yet. Its helping my hand calling a lot.

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Plant a lot of trees (and I mean a lot of trees) and the coyotes will come. I do not use game cameras any longer, but I've been tracking them and am catching on. They come in at night to eat the birds, rabbits, and chickens. They like to head back across the road before 730 am. . Stray house cats seem to be pretty smart around here or lucky. Twice I've had solo yotes less than 20 yards in front of me right outside my front door in the last couple months. I live on property on the outskirts of the valley. A field around here was fenced a year or so ago and since then they have taken up residence on the big parcel of land.


I was completely ready and have all neighbors permission, but the angle was no good with horses and a dog RIGHT behind the pack. The poor dog was just being tormented while the yotes played just on the other side of his fence.


Looks like the pups are big enough now they are taking them out. It's the first time I've seen them. I'm pretty sure it won't be the last.


I was in a hurry to get out the door. I had no range finder or calls. I was lucky I remembered the jacket. I did just go back out with my range finder and it was 25 yards.

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They were back again, but this time it was my dog they were tormenting midday. The dang thing just stood there staring at my big lab while she was barking away. I grab my little dog and head into the house (the coyote literally stood there and watched me). I grab my equipment and head into my neighbors trees. This totally made me feel like I was in Illinois hunting the field cuts again. I saw them a couple times and finally had them about 50 yards and I missed THREE times. Oh so embarrassing,


You would think they would get tired of having projectiles hurled at them, but they seem to keep coming back for more.


Now I know where their bed is in the neighbor's trees.

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Don't give up!! I'm going to keep up on this thread. I better see pictures in a few days with those no good yote in them. Happy hunting.

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