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"Idiot" New Mexico Game and Fish

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Some friends and I just applied for the draw in New Mexico.



We saved our applications to pay for them later, and they give you an application number and application code so you can access your account and application at a later date.


The "application code" we were assigned was "Guest Idiot" !!!! I am not kidding?


Just wondering if anyone else had this happen to them?


Not very professional for a "supposed" State Game Agency..... :angry:

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I did the exact same thing you guys did, however my code was something benign.


I guess NM game and fish just doesn't like you, or they know you better than I do! In all seriousness though it does appear unprofessional for G&F.


(Sadly my application is probably going to go unpaid - the wife has her foot up in the air and unless I can become exceedingly charming or ridiculously wealthy in the next 12 days I'm going to be twiddling my thumbs until next year)


Peace out!



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That is toooo Funny....

Mine was Well Hung


okay maybe wishfull thinking...


You should change your screen name..


WH is already taken :lol: :lol:

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I knew you Fools would have fun with this one. ;)


I know N.M. was determined the "Dumbest State" in the nation, but even they would be able to select some of the millions of words in the english language as to not have " Guest Idiot" come up as a "randomly" assigned application code...

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I would use that term for NR within AZ draw.......


It could have been a worse coding for ya...something bout mt lion hunting being for sissies??


Goodluck on NM draw dude

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I knew you Fools would have fun with this one. ;)


I know N.M. was determined the "Dumbest State" in the nation, but even they would be able to select some of the millions of words in the english language as to not have " Guest Idiot" come up as a "randomly" assigned application code...


I don't know.... :huh: .... does seem kinda strange that those words were chosen on your application..... :rolleyes: ... I would almost think that, the computer was trying to tell you some thing..... :lol: :lol: :lol: .....or something. :lol: :lol:


JK........ Good luck on your apps. :D

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I've put infor the burro mtns couple years in a row and don't think this year will be any more promising after the Az elk/ant draw zero results.

Anyone on here recommend a more promising chance of draw on the western side of new mexico for deer and elk?


I was gonna try the 23 except burros and 22 or 24's, with higher tag numbers.




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I may have ya beat.. the name they assigned me is "Bitch Alley".. no kidding. Where they come up with this, I have no idea..



ROFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: You have got to be joking!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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I got "Biggs Myrrh"???? I heard from a NM resident that a few years back the NMG&F used prisoners to process data, which turned into a huge fiasco with stolen credit card numbers, etc. Anyway, that may be where this stems from???

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I had ELITE MORON, I hope the computer was describing our wonderful Silver city commissioner Dutch Salmon who never responds to the emails I send him!!. I hope they are RANDOM!!? choices, ag

Oh and there are no deer in unit 23, especially whitetail, so dont bother putting in there. Put in for 27 it is a really easy draw and there are alot of whitetail. :lol: AG

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I got some strange ones too. No joke, they were:


local ditty


negro allay


I don't mind what they call me, as long as I get drawn. If I get skunked like I did in AZ, I'll be the one calling names.

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