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Okay... I gotta reply.... one more time


Did you know that every time someone complains about the price of a GALLON of GAS, or a BARREL of OIL, they scream about the huge oil company profits . No one likes high prices either, but did you realize that the Profit made on a gallon of gas is about 10 Percent. Did you realize that the TAXES the Federal government "earns" on a gallon of gas is almost double that. Add the state taxes and in some cases it is triple what the company gets.


Now if your business sells organic fertilizer and you make a 10% profit, and the government gets 20%, the cost of producing, packaging, shipping, marketing add up to 70% how long would you stay in business?


If you want lower prices on gas... look to reduce the Taxes as your best savings.

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You are merging the facts...

Yes the profit is 10% for the local gas station BUT the Oil Producers(BP,Exxon, etc) are raking in the profits... The taxes are on the finished products NOT the Oil... In fact we subsidize many oil companys for R & D..


and by the 10% return on investment is pretty dang good.



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When Bush 's term is over, we will find ourselves missing a president with balls. We may never see another one.



I agree with you. Bush has great big balls. He just doesn't have a brain cell one, to go with them. Too bad too. If he would have used them balls to go after the real ones that attacked our country, and not waist our time and effort in Iraq maybe we would have brought justice to the right people.

But thats alright we made his Vice-Presidents old company, many billions of dollars, and returned the oil fields to his oil companies allies.

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Okay... I gotta reply.... one more time


Did you know that every time someone complains about the price of a GALLON of GAS, or a BARREL of OIL, they scream about the huge oil company profits . No one likes high prices either, but did you realize that the Profit made on a gallon of gas is about 10 Percent. Did you realize that the TAXES the Federal government "earns" on a gallon of gas is almost double that. Add the state taxes and in some cases it is triple what the company gets.


Now if your business sells organic fertilizer and you make a 10% profit, and the government gets 20%, the cost of producing, packaging, shipping, marketing add up to 70% how long would you stay in business?


If you want lower prices on gas... look to reduce the Taxes as your best savings.


You had better get your stats in order. I can't believe you think that the oil company makes 10 percent profit. And what do you think builds the roads and freeways we drive on. It sure isn't the oil companies hundreds of billions of dollars in profits. The poor local pump station might make the 10 percent you talk about, but I doubt that it is even that high.

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When Bush 's term is over, we will find ourselves missing a president with balls. We may never see another one.


I probably would never vote for Hillary but I think it is funny how people need to take cheap shots at her... maybe it is the republican MO.. Attack so you don't get called out.


That's funny. What are we doing when all of this talk is going on right now? Not taking shots at Bush? There's attacks and bashes going on from both sides. Not just the Bush supporters here.


Besides the factual statements that are occuring and will occur from this thread, everything else is purely an opinion based statement. We can sit here and go round and round and round and round and round and round and round, trying to prove our own points. That is why this is politics. We all have different viewpoints. No matter how much we think we can see something so clearly, someone else sees it a different way. It's just the way it is. IMO.

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We could all learn something from our men and women in uniform.

Regardless of who is the president, wether they like him or not, they respect the high position and do what he says.

Nowdays when people hate the president, they disrespect the position as well. This is selfish, childish, and destructive to our country. Clinton couldn't keep it in his pants. If I did that stuff on my job, I would be fired. I don't like Clinton for that, but he was still the President of the United States and all of our armed forces would jump when the Commander and Chief ordered them to - out of respect for the position. The media and a whole lotta democrats are showing the rest of the world just how screwed up we really are. This is discraceful. If we don't stay on the same page, we'll someday lose the whole book.

I say "stay respectful, or stay quiet".


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Okay... I gotta reply.... one more time


Did you know that every time someone complains about the price of a GALLON of GAS, or a BARREL of OIL, they scream about the huge oil company profits . No one likes high prices either, but did you realize that the Profit made on a gallon of gas is about 10 Percent. Did you realize that the TAXES the Federal government "earns" on a gallon of gas is almost double that. Add the state taxes and in some cases it is triple what the company gets.


Now if your business sells organic fertilizer and you make a 10% profit, and the government gets 20%, the cost of producing, packaging, shipping, marketing add up to 70% how long would you stay in business?


If you want lower prices on gas... look to reduce the Taxes as your best savings.


You had better get your stats in order. I can't believe you think that the oil company makes 10 percent profit. And what do you think builds the roads and freeways we drive on. It sure isn't the oil companies hundreds of billions of dollars in profits. The poor local pump station might make the 10 percent you talk about, but I doubt that it is even that high.


A gas station on average makes 6-10 cents a gallon. Thats about all we made when we owned one.

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We could all learn something from our men and women in uniform.

Regardless of who is the president, wether they like him or not, they respect the high position and do what he says.

Nowdays when people hate the president, they disrespect the position as well. This is selfish, childish, and destructive to our country. Clinton couldn't keep it in his pants. If I did that stuff on my job, I would be fired. I don't like Clinton for that, but he was still the President of the United States and all of our armed forces would jump when the Commander and Chief ordered them to - out of respect for the position. The media and a whole lotta democrats are showing the rest of the world just how screwed up we really are. This is discraceful. If we don't stay on the same page, we'll someday lose the whole book.

I say "stay respectful, or stay quiet".


Sounds just like communism. "Stay respectful, or stay quiet" Just love who ever is in power and don't question anything. Why did we get rid of Saddam? He was in power we should have respected that.

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There are ways to speak out and be respectful, he didn't say stay quiet or get shot, stay quiet or go to jail. dang I guess if people don't all have the same opinion we should just shut up, the left is trying to eliminate individualism they want every one the same, let us give you health care, let us give you welfare, let us raise your kids, that pisses me off.


To single out Bush is funny, when we invaded Iraq the senate and the house were behind him, the majority of the public was also behind him as well, there comes a time when sanctions don't work and they all knew it, but only one person has to live with that decision all the others can claim they were persuaded or lied to, but they all knew, they now are looking to blame someone and the president is the likely choice.


What happens when we elect a new president, if the country elects hillary does that mean all of a sudden all the generals and admirals are now smarter, that doesn't change, a few advisor's and high ranking officials might change positions, but every thing below stays the same they don't replace the whole military, but with hillary as president the french will be our allies again and the u.n. can tell us how to be better, heck they might even appoint some of their people to run our military for us.



We will not know the results of what happened during this administration for years and years, so until we are old we probably won't know his status as the worst president ever, which I don't agree with, but hey with the way this country is going I could be wrong, I am sure that when they rewrite the constitution in the future they will all laugh at what they deem as the idiots that wrote the first one and they will wonder how we were able to make it all these years without a total societal collapse.


And as I have said before these are just my opinions, you can feel free to post yours, and when you do thank all the soldiers that are and have fought for this country to allow you and me to do this without being thrown in jail or shot.

Live Free or Die

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There are ways to speak out and be respectful, he didn't say stay quiet or get shot, stay quiet or go to jail. dang I guess if people don't all have the same opinion we should just shut up, the left is trying to eliminate individualism they want every one the same, let us give you health care, let us give you welfare, let us raise your kids, that pisses me off.


To single out Bush is funny, when we invaded Iraq the senate and the house were behind him, the majority of the public was also behind him as well, there comes a time when sanctions don't work and they all knew it, but only one person has to live with that decision all the others can claim they were persuaded or lied to, but they all knew, they now are looking to blame someone and the president is the likely choice.


What happens when we elect a new president, if the country elects hillary does that mean all of a sudden all the generals and admirals are now smarter, that doesn't change, a few advisor's and high ranking officials might change positions, but every thing below stays the same they don't replace the whole military, but with hillary as president the french will be our allies again and the u.n. can tell us how to be better, heck they might even appoint some of their people to run our military for us.



We will not know the results of what happened during this administration for years and years, so until we are old we probably won't know his status as the worst president ever, which I don't agree with, but hey with the way this country is going I could be wrong, I am sure that when they rewrite the constitution in the future they will all laugh at what they deem as the idiots that wrote the first one and they will wonder how we were able to make it all these years without a total societal collapse.


And as I have said before these are just my opinions, you can feel free to post yours, and when you do thank all the soldiers that are and have fought for this country to allow you and me to do this without being thrown in jail or shot.

Live Free or Die

Nicely put Keith.


To single out Bush is funny, when we invaded Iraq the senate and the house were behind him, the majority of the public was also behind him as well


Wasn't that the truth huh. Funny how some forget those things.

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There are ways to speak out and be respectful, he didn't say stay quiet or get shot, stay quiet or go to jail. dang I guess if people don't all have the same opinion we should just shut up, the left is trying to eliminate individualism they want every one the same, let us give you health care, let us give you welfare, let us raise your kids, that pisses me off.


To single out Bush is funny, when we invaded Iraq the senate and the house were behind him, the majority of the public was also behind him as well, there comes a time when sanctions don't work and they all knew it, but only one person has to live with that decision all the others can claim they were persuaded or lied to, but they all knew, they now are looking to blame someone and the president is the likely choice.


What happens when we elect a new president, if the country elects hillary does that mean all of a sudden all the generals and admirals are now smarter, that doesn't change, a few advisor's and high ranking officials might change positions, but every thing below stays the same they don't replace the whole military, but with hillary as president the french will be our allies again and the u.n. can tell us how to be better, heck they might even appoint some of their people to run our military for us.



We will not know the results of what happened during this administration for years and years, so until we are old we probably won't know his status as the worst president ever, which I don't agree with, but hey with the way this country is going I could be wrong, I am sure that when they rewrite the constitution in the future they will all laugh at what they deem as the idiots that wrote the first one and they will wonder how we were able to make it all these years without a total societal collapse.


And as I have said before these are just my opinions, you can feel free to post yours, and when you do thank all the soldiers that are and have fought for this country to allow you and me to do this without being thrown in jail or shot.

Live Free or Die

Nicely put Keith.


To single out Bush is funny, when we invaded Iraq the senate and the house were behind him, the majority of the public was also behind him as well


Wasn't that the truth huh. Funny how some forget those things.


Don't forget that this is the administration that if you disagree they call you anti-american...


Are you saying that the republicans support individuality? Now that is funny....


and you are correct the republican house and senate did give the president authority to go into Iraq... and we are just finding out that the admin lied to push it's agenda...



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Don't forget that this is the administration that if you disagree they call you anti-american...


Are you saying that the republicans support individuality? Now that is funny....


and you are correct the republican house and senate did give the president authority to go into Iraq... and we are just finding out that the admin lied to push it's agenda...






Your complaints and replies are nothing more than diversionary tactics used to avoid specifics and evoke sympathy and unity.


You say President Bush (the administration) Lied. Tell us... What was the Specific lie? You cannot point to a specific, because there isn't one. Inaccurate information that is passed on is not a lie.

Who in the administration calls anyone "Anti-American" for disagreeing with them? I am sure you can't give a name.

Deflecting the blame to a "republican house and senate" makes you feel better and avoids self blame but over 40% of the house and senate were Dems that voted to go in as well.


I feel sorry that you have been indoctrinated to the socialist propaganda from the democrat party. I will pray for your recovery, and I hope that you will see that regurgitating party rhetoric is not the way of a thoughtful individual, but it IS the way of "Sheeple" that "flock" to the party you seem to represent.


By the way, here is some verified data on what makes up the price of Gasoline at the pump on average. I must apologize as I was a bit off on my 10% profit figure. The actual Profit percentage on average is 6 (SIX) percent. This is divided among the Producer AND Transporter AND Retailer.

"April 2006 breakdown of the components of the price of a gallon of gasoline: 54% is the price of crude; 21% is the cost of refining; 2% is the cost of transportation; 17% is taxes; they don't list a cost for retailing and marketing; and profit to refiner, transporter, and retailer is 6%."

Info verified at http://www.gravmag.com/oil.html


May each one of us Think, Verify and Prove what we purport to be facts before we try to use them as a bully club on another. Yes we can all go round and round in politics, but the bottom line is, Don't trust the media, do your own research and you might be surprised at what you will find that is contrary to what they are feeding you. Irony is, Unless you verify the media stories, Some day you could be charged with lying when you pass on what they reported inaccurately.


This Thread is entitled "The Marine". As Tribute, May God Bless our Troops everywhere and bless our great country which they protect.

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Well if what you say is correct then when hillary or obama is president, gas prices will be 50 cents a gallon, or they will give us all electric cars, the unemployment rate will be minimal, the border issues will just go away because there will be no restrictions on who can come into the country, we won't be bombed again because al quaida and all the other terrorists will be pardoned. I mean Bush asked to be bombed and all those people that died in those towers are Bush's and the Republicans fault, and since no democrats voted for the war, they might even bring charges up on that too, we were threatening and intimidating and they had to use self defense, and we might as well charge Bush for the murder of saddam, we should even charge the military with kidnapping of him. Lets not forget to charge all the soldiers with abuse at Guantanamo, and the other installations that are holding these prisoners. I bet in the future the conversations at these questionings will go like this

Soldier- are you a terrorist

terrorist- no

Soldier-are you sure, you were shooting in the direction of U.S. troops a few were even killed, the bullets even came from your gun, and the soldiers that caught you sure said it was you, even though the cnn reporter and cameraman said they weren't sure and it could have been any number of terrorist that were shooting, though the reporter stated that the troops enticed you into shooting because they had the unmitigated gall to wear U.S. military uniforms while patrolling.

terrorist-nope wasn't me

Soldier- ok you can go home, and don't forget the C4 and your ak when you leave

terrorist- no problem, thanks, tell hillary osama says thanks


That is the extreme, but these guys are terrorist and should be treated as such, and there shouldn't be a reporter or cameraman any where outside of bases.



If the democrats and I have to bite my tongue when I say this since there really aren't any more true democrats, there are liberals, and they have taken over that party and select their candidates accordingly, but if they were to have it their way every penny we have would be split up and divided equally among us, we would all live in the same houses and drive the same cars, and no it don't matter if you work or not they would take care of us all the same, check it out there aren't no rich democrats they give all their money to the poor and the needy. Its funny our country was so great when clinton was president, everything was perfect, according to the media he was the greatest president the U.S. has ever had, though some argue that kennedy was better I mean he had Marilyn and clinton had monica.


Like I have said before Our President is just a man, and he has dealt with a lot more during his term than some other presidents have and no he didn't ask for all of them, but he is just a man and dealt with them as he sees fit, but he has also had the backing of the house and senate, plus the military and believe it or not some democrats even voted for it, funny too since a lot of them passed or were no shows for other votes, but made sure they were there for this one, simply because they had the same info as the president and if he was right they would have got the credit too, but if he was wrong he was a liar and the were misled.


I can say this because I am an individual with an opinion who lives in the United States of America, the greatest country on earth, and you can say what you want because you live in the same country with the same rights as me.


God Bless us All

I can say that too, except in school where liberals have determined that believing in God misconstrues and undermines what they are teaching in science about evolution.





Love your thoughts J, keep them up, we can't all be the same.

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Who else on this site has 960 AM patriot radio tuned in as there main radio station? I DO.

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If God had been a liberal, he wouldn't have established the Ten Commandments - we'd have the Ten Suggestions.


Liberals are so out there. I enjoyed your dialouge between the terrorist and soldier, Kieth. That is exactly what a liberal would say!!! They think we are living in a fairyland with pixiedust and honest Abe's. If it looks like a skunk, acts like a skunk, smells like a skunk and walks like a skunk...it's probably a skunk! Blow 'em all to heck and let God sort 'em out! War is War! There isn't time for political correctness.


And don't tell me about provocation...who blew up who first??? Those terrorists have the oh so famous Hitler attitude..."we're better than you, so we think you need to die!"...we're just lucky those terrorist psychos are not a superpower. Could you imagine if they had the power to invade us on our turf...? Oh..., wait. That already happened. And it will happen again if we don't nip it in the bud. Those guys are for real. They aren't WWF terrorists.

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