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The Old Man and the Marine:


One sunny day in 2008, an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue , where he'd been sitting on a park bench.He spoke to the Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to

go in and meet with President Hillary Clinton."


The Marine replied, "Sir, Mrs. Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here."


The old man said, "Okay," and walked away.


The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President

Hillary Clinton."


The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mrs. Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here."


The man thanked him and again walked away.


The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same Marine, saying "I would like to go in and meet with President

Hillary Clinton."


The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mrs. Clinton. I've told you already several times that Mrs.

Clinton is not the President and doesn't reside here. Don't you understand?"


The old man answered, "Oh, I understand you fine, I just love hearing your answer!"


The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow."

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If Bush has his way he would have to send an email from Iraq...

Mission Accomplished...





Huh? :blink:

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If Hillary had her way we would end up gun free and in a world of Terror, and a military with no support! THE END! :o

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If Hillary had her way we would end up gun free and in a world of Terror, and a military with no support! THE END! :o


Go ahead live in fear... All we can say for sure it what is currently happening.. not what might happen...

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Being President must be an easy job, I mean anyone can do it. All you have to do is kiss everyones tail and you are great, make a hard decision and be crucified. A bunch of terrorist attack the country, we should have let the u.n. and the sanctions take care of it, Iraq too I mean if the idiot running that country would have got his hands on a nuke he would never have used them (Thank goodness his neck is a few inches longer than it used to be), the u.n. would have told him not to and he always listened to them. heck a freaking hurricane hit and everyone blames the president, he isn't God, he is just a man with more responsibility than anyone else in the world and it don't matter who is in that position there will be good and bad decisions and no one will know the true measure of what they do unless you happen to be in that position. Putting troops in harms way has been happening since before George Washington and even then he was criticized, so was Lincoln, so were they all. The problem is that now there are reporters and cameras everywhere and all the blame falls on one man's shoulders. No one who doesn't like him should stress out too much because he will not be the next president, but I hope whoever it is they have as much respect for our country and the military as he does.

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Being President must be an easy job, I mean anyone can do it. All you have to do is kiss everyones tail and you are great, make a hard decision and be crucified. A bunch of terrorist attack the country, we should have let the u.n. and the sanctions take care of it, Iraq too I mean if the idiot running that country would have got his hands on a nuke he would never have used them (Thank goodness his neck is a few inches longer than it used to be), the u.n. would have told him not to and he always listened to them. heck a freaking hurricane hit and everyone blames the president, he isn't God, he is just a man with more responsibility than anyone else in the world and it don't matter who is in that position there will be good and bad decisions and no one will know the true measure of what they do unless you happen to be in that position. Putting troops in harms way has been happening since before George Washington and even then he was criticized, so was Lincoln, so were they all. The problem is that now there are reporters and cameras everywhere and all the blame falls on one man's shoulders. No one who doesn't like him should stress out too much because he will not be the next president, but I hope whoever it is they have as much respect for our country and the military as he does.

Well said! I have always backed Bush, and our military!

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Well said Guys.

I would like to add that Hillary (in particular) has a long documented history of dislike and contempt for the military. Remember when she forced the uniformed military guards in the white house to not wear uniforms but wear suits? Now she is cozying up to the military every chance she has. She has determined now, that she has a use for the military.... Photo Ops, to get her elected.


Her friends know she is a vicious, vendictive, self centered and self important politician. It is very disturbing that she "lies with such ease" as quoted recently by one of the clinton's former advisors. She also is ranked as one of the most liberal senators in congress, and she espouses socialistic solutions to address any problems that arise. She recently advocates taking profits from business to finance socialist medical plans.


Hillary is too polarizing (love, hate) and aside from garnering overwhelming votes from the women that would not usually vote because they don't follow political issues, she has stiff competition. If the Clintons are the best the democrats have to offer, we should all read up on Karl Marx, as that is more likely our future than any support of or respect for individualism.

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Being President must be an easy job, I mean anyone can do it. All you have to do is kiss everyones tail and you are great, make a hard decision and be crucified. A bunch of terrorist attack the country, we should have let the u.n. and the sanctions take care of it, Iraq too I mean if the idiot running that country would have got his hands on a nuke he would never have used them (Thank goodness his neck is a few inches longer than it used to be), the u.n. would have told him not to and he always listened to them. heck a freaking hurricane hit and everyone blames the president, he isn't God, he is just a man with more responsibility than anyone else in the world and it don't matter who is in that position there will be good and bad decisions and no one will know the true measure of what they do unless you happen to be in that position. Putting troops in harms way has been happening since before George Washington and even then he was criticized, so was Lincoln, so were they all. The problem is that now there are reporters and cameras everywhere and all the blame falls on one man's shoulders. No one who doesn't like him should stress out too much because he will not be the next president, but I hope whoever it is they have as much respect for our country and the military as he does.


Well said Keith.


Being President would not be an easy task. One thing that I do believe about President Bush, is that he truly does care about the safety and well being of his people. A lot of people have forgotten about the feelings they had back a few years ago when those towers went down. Well, we are still after some of them B#$@%&rds, and trying to keep that from happening again. That's the key right there. Happening again. If you are not capable of seeing the possibility of that happening again, you are blind.


Now of course, every President will make his or her mistakes. He has made some decisions that I don't necessarily agree with. There's things I think he should do better. (Oil, Borders, Structure of NCLB) But holy cow, if he makes a mistake on one or two things, let's not talk about kicking him out of office. Have a little trust or forgiveness. After all, he is human, so are the people that make up his administration too.


Regardless, one of the best things to come out of this is Hussein having his ASE hung. If you could imagine the rage you feel of having your loved ones brutally tortured, beaten and then having your wife and your daughters raped and humiliated then you should be happy that butthead is gone. He never thought twice about allowing that crap to happen. It don't matter if they were in a flippin' Civil War or not, if there is a leader allowing and condoning these things to happen to innocent women and children, I am all for our military to intervene and say "I don't think so buddy". So even if this whole Iraq business were a mistake, at least Hussein isn't there to terrify these people anymore.


I pray often for our troops and their families to be blessed and watched over and thank them for doing their jobs. When a person signs up for the military in this day and age, their falls a tremendous responsibility on each one of their shoulders. I am thankful there are people that will take on this duty of helping to protect my family here in the states. They are great Men and Women.



You do have to worry about the future NOW. There is alot going on at this present time, but to not allow yourself to be informed of POTENTIAL PRESIDENTS, you aren't being fair to yourself. These are the people who will take over and who knows, might be president until the year 2016. That's a long time to have someone in office. I worry about the future and hope like heck Hillary or Obama doesn't get in there. I don't have a good feeling about either of them.


Just my $.02 and my opinions.

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I agree we all need to educated on whomever we vote for... Guiliani and Romney are big time gun control advocates...


"vicious, vendictive(SP), self centered and self important politician. It is very disturbing that she "lies with such ease""


Please... If I was a Bush supporter I wouldn't go there... Swift Boats, Valerie Plame, the current Alberto Gonzalez mess, Karl Rove... and my favorite... "I AM THE DECIDER"


and don't forget Haliburton--- Did you know that Haliburton had the maintenance contract at Walter Reed???? AMAZING...


"A lot of people have forgotten about the feelings they had back a few years ago when those towers went down. Well, we are still after some of them B#$@%&rds, and trying to keep that from happening again."


Agreed... and that person was BUSH... Remember NO connection between Iraq and 911. We should have more troops in Afghanistan... Al Queda and Iraq had been at odds before we invaded Iraq.


Regarding Hussein swinging.... Was it a good think? Heck yes... I do have issues with the US being the World's Police, but no big deal.. My issue with Bush is him saying that went there to protect Iraqis from a tyrant.... If that was truly the case and we were worried about those being killed by the 100,000 of thousands we would have a 100,000 troops on there way to Darfur.... Right now it is starting to look more and more like we went there for Oil... and if that was the case admit it..


About polarizing???? Bush has been the most polarizing president of all time... Not only in our country but across the world.


I probably would never vote for Hillary but I think it is funny how people need to take cheap shots at her... maybe it is the republican MO.. Attack so you don't get called out..

"aside from garnering overwhelming votes from the women that would not usually vote because they don't follow political issues,she has stiff competition"

WOW.... That is draconian.... share that quote with your spouse... Don't forget to duck..



I think we all need to remember that it is VERY early in the 2008 race... ALOT of stuff is going to happen... But keep your minds open... and be positive...



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We all like to say that if I was President I would do this or I would do that, but none of us are and none of us can. What do you do, you did what you did in Iraq and have been criticized since day one, why would you do it again in Darfur. We can never let the u.n. run our military which is what hillary would allow, because no matter what they say all of those countries are jealous of what we have accomplished in ours, we are the greatest country in the world and they all know it and resent it. The easiest thing for them to do is criticize our country and our leader simply because we do not share their socialistic views; we succeed in a country made up from a people all over the world, and no matter how you look at it our support of Israel annoys them.


I am glad that we have the ability to have these discussions in our country and that we can each express our opinions openly, the president whoever that may be will never be able to take that away. Thank goodness for the forward thinking men who wrote the Constitution and had the beliefs in our nation in its infancy, somehow they knew how great we as a people were going to be.


Jamaro as far as women voting for hillary just because she is a woman, in on sense I believe as az4life that yes she will get votes, but I hate to say this; my mom is a democrat born and raised and she has said many times there is no way she would ever vote for her, she thought bill was great, maybe they feel that hillary betrayed their hero who knows and who cares as long as she don’t get the vote.


As far as attacking hillary verbally, she opens her mouth as much as anyone, the media just don’t jump on her like they do everyone else. Maybe she can get rosie to be her running mate, she seems to be in the spotlight lately.


God bless the U.S. and our Troops

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Voting and Elections are certainly an interesting thing.


I do agree that We are a long way off from the 2008 election but as of now, I don't like any of the candidates. In 2000 and 2004 it was the same (poor choices) but we should be responsible to choose based on all the information available, Not just the information we want to hear or using only that which we believe. Bush has been a disappointment in a lot of areas but I believe most of his decisions are thought out and made with the bigger picture in mind. Immigration and use of the Veto, he gets an "F" in my book. Anti Terrorism and social issues he gets a "B-". Fiscal responsibility he gets a "C-". My mind is open and looking for a better candidate from either party.


Seems like we are really in more of an Oligarky than a 2 party system. This fake-out 2 party system has been Since about the time when Slick Willy left. As the republicans and democrats (republicrats) spend our money like drunken politicians. Almost All of them are fiscally liberal and irresponsible pork lovers. That said, Social issues are now those that make the most difference in an individual's alignment with a party. Anyone who is pro-abortion, pro-socialist medicine, pro-gun control, pro-govenment control, is not acting in the best interest of this society imho and will not get my vote.


I find it odd that you are tested and then need a license to drive, but anyone can vote without a test or any clue on issues.

With some of the comments posted here and elsewhere it sad and quite obvious the biased media is the only source of information for many people.


Slanted information and half truths from biased sources is why so many people never will have a political clue. My rule is before I start spouting off, I do try to take some time and research to verify what has been reported. More often than not you will find there are more than 2 sides to the story. Those who just "carry water" are only slaves to their party and have little independent thought.



Valerie Plame This was a non issue of a CIA office worker's (not covert agent) identity being "confirmed" (not disclosed).


Roberto Gonzales... There has not been 1 person reported anywhere that I have found who says these dismissals are a crime. Yet millions will be spent to investigate. Investigate What? political appointees without contracts, who were let go? C'mon Sour grapes is all there is here.


Swift boaters. This group had ZERO to do with Bush. They supported Bush only by sharing their information with voters about Kerry. If Kerry wanted to disprove them, he could have opened his records but he never has.


I am the Decider - I personally do not know the specifics of the quote, but Check the constitution. The president is elected by the people and granted decision making authority. So is the congress.

Draconian - Exceedingly harsh; very severe I don't think so . David Geffin's quote said it was disturbing that the Clintons "lie with such ease" . He was close to them, and a respected (before this quote) friend of them.


My wife agrees, that any woman who votes for Hillary is ignorant (un-informed, failing to use complete or accurate data) or sexist ( in this case - making a voting decision based only on gender).


Lots of fun, but Enough politics for now, I'm bowing out on this topic to avoid harder feelings.


God Bless our Service people and This great country.

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Voting and Elections are certainly an interesting thing.


I do agree that We are a long way off from the 2008 election but as of now, I don't like any of the candidates. In 2000 and 2004 it was the same (poor choices) but we should be responsible to choose based on all the information available, Not just the information we want to hear or using only that which we believe. Bush has been a disappointment in a lot of areas but I believe most of his decisions are thought out and made with the bigger picture in mind. Immigration and use of the Veto, he gets an "F" in my book. Anti Terrorism and social issues he gets a "B-". Fiscal responsibility he gets a "C-". My mind is open and looking for a better candidate from either party.


Seems like we are really in more of an Oligarky than a 2 party system. This fake-out 2 party system has been Since about the time when Slick Willy left. As the republicans and democrats (republicrats) spend our money like drunken politicians. Almost All of them are fiscally liberal and irresponsible pork lovers. That said, Social issues are now those that make the most difference in an individual's alignment with a party. Anyone who is pro-abortion, pro-socialist medicine, pro-gun control, pro-govenment control, is not acting in the best interest of this society imho and will not get my vote.


I find it odd that you are tested and then need a license to drive, but anyone can vote without a test or any clue on issues.

With some of the comments posted here and elsewhere it sad and quite obvious the biased media is the only source of information for many people.


Slanted information and half truths from biased sources is why so many people never will have a political clue. My rule is before I start spouting off, I do try to take some time and research to verify what has been reported. More often than not you will find there are more than 2 sides to the story. Those who just "carry water" are only slaves to their party and have little independent thought.



Valerie Plame This was a non issue of a CIA office worker's (not covert agent) identity being "confirmed" (not disclosed).


Roberto Gonzales... There has not been 1 person reported anywhere that I have found who says these dismissals are a crime. Yet millions will be spent to investigate. Investigate What? political appointees without contracts, who were let go? C'mon Sour grapes is all there is here.


Swift boaters. This group had ZERO to do with Bush. They supported Bush only by sharing their information with voters about Kerry. If Kerry wanted to disprove them, he could have opened his records but he never has.


I am the Decider - I personally do not know the specifics of the quote, but Check the constitution. The president is elected by the people and granted decision making authority. So is the congress.

Draconian - Exceedingly harsh; very severe I don't think so . David Geffin's quote said it was disturbing that the Clintons "lie with such ease" . He was close to them, and a respected (before this quote) friend of them.


My wife agrees, that any woman who votes for Hillary is ignorant (un-informed, failing to use complete or accurate data) or sexist ( in this case - making a voting decision based only on gender).


Lots of fun, but Enough politics for now, I'm bowing out on this topic to avoid harder feelings.


God Bless our Service people and This great country.


A "B" in ani-terorism and social issues. My god come on. The man sent 60 thousand troops into the country where the attacks came from, and 160 thousand troops into an oil rich nation that had no proven involvement with the attacks. They were lacking in the safety equipment and technology needed, The day of the attacks the only people in the whole country that were allowed to fly was the family of the mastermind behind the attacks. That was so the family of his old business buddy could leave the country. I am not anti Republican or Democrate, but after the last 6 plus year of Bush, I can say that I am anti Bush, and his oil croneys. His rich oil buddies have ruled this country for the last few years, and I am sick of it. I suppose you can't wait until the four dollar a gallon oil comes. If you think the oil prices are high because of oil supplies, guess again. Exon, Mobil has been posting the biggest profits in the history of the world for the last few years. Just so happens, Bush and his family are oil men.

I am not in favor of cutting off funding for our troops, and I support our troops 100 percent, but I am in favor of getting rid of our worst President in the history of the United States.

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When Bush 's term is over, we will find ourselves missing a president with balls. We may never see another one.


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When Bush 's term is over, we will find ourselves missing a president with balls. We may never see another one.



I hope we learn that it takes more that balls to make a president... Next thing we know he will be attacking Canada because of the Mexican immigration problems..

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