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3 more tags filled 2014

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Priority #1 was to kill a larger buck then my 2 sons' bucks that they killed 2 weeks ago...

We found this cool buck on monday as he went to bed. My brother, Derek got set-up and we waited...


Finally, it got up only to go back to sleep



The week went on and we were able to help a good friend of mine find & take this 3x3. Crazy enough, the BP chopper hovered over us & our area for a good 20 mins. Next a few agents & their dog roll down a trail in front of us- not quite as quiet as we'd like... But oh well, they are getting the bad guys so we're cool with that. We hop 50 yards over the saddle to glass the other side and find this guy and Johnny tags a nice buck. Congrats Johnny!


A week of passing up decent bucks and Derek & I glass up one I finally want to shoot.



these last 2 pics were on my kids hunt 2 weeks prior... they like seeing their pictures on the cwt.com.

My son Clay and his toad



My oldest son Kohl with this nice trophy


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Real nice bucks, you guy's did great! Congrats to all on your successful hunt.

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Congratulations on the success on some nice bucks and yours is absolutely a brute! Way to go!

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