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Wildcats Big Day

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Wildcats are a team with weakness's , as was brought to light last night, and they weren't predicted to finish well this year. Yes they got lucky in some games. Rich Rod winning Pac-12 Coach of the year, and a decent season, goes along way towards the possibility of recruiting quality players in the future. Hopefully they can build on this, and learn a few things from last night's drubbing.

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I don't think there is a team in the country that can beat Oregon 3 consecutive games. Arizona managed 2 out of 3, unfortunately number 3 was the big one and the Cats took a major whuppin. Most teams would gladly settle for winning 2 out of 3 against a program like Oregon. A bowl game will be a little anti-climactic now perhaps. Cats fans can now look forward to a great basketball season. ASU fans can now look forward to.....uh, well....Christmas!

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Last night the Oregon defensive line was awesome...unlike I have seen before. That was the biggest single difference. They beat Arizona in every aspect of the game and need to be recognized for it.


As for Arizona, they lost to the team I believe will enter the playoffs as the number one. Arizona was never a National Champion caliber team this year, but their name was kicked around in those conversations this past week. This is also the situation ASU was in prior to the Oregon State game.


About a year ago I posted a long post about the need for both teams to get past the rivalry and focus on becoming top tier teams on a national level. This year both teams took big steps in that direction. We will have to see if they are able to sustain their program growth. The ASU/UA game had meaning beyond the rivalry for the first time in many years and I for one hope it remains significant.


As stated last year when neither team really mattered on a national level, "Arguing over which team is better is like two guys arguing of whose spike has bigger eye guards." I for one do not want to return to the years where the fans of both schools were bragging about their "spikes"!

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I watch all the Kats Basketball games I can. It is the 8 min mark of the Gonzaga game and from what Iv'e seen all year so far is they are looking for Identity. They work the ball and then some body takes a so so shot.They needed Nick Johnson one more year as the to go to guy. As the season goes on some one is gonna have to step up and be the Man. Just My op........BOB!

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And just like that, football is over, done, finished and the wannabes have moved on to basketball.


Go Bulldogs.

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Sundevil you are one of the most pathetic fans I've ever encountered.your crappy teams lose to Arizona,so you go for whoever Arizona plays.and when someone eventually beats Arizona,you act like you're real smart. Do you realize how pathetic that makes you look?

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And the name calling continues. Nice. Real mature.


I have always said my 2 favorite teams r:


1) ASU


2) whoever is playing ua


go Bulldogs!!!

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And the name calling continues. Nice. Real mature.


I have always said my 2 favorite teams r:


1) ASU


2) whoever is playing ua


go Bulldogs!!!

Just remember, that the guy who started this thread hasn't called anybody anything. :D

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