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There is lots of luck involved in any sport. Even teams that run on pure talent, need a little luck to win sometimes.


Better lucky than good. Tonight will tell the tale.


Agreed. Most people I know, acknowledge that they would take lucky over good every time.

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At what point does 'lucky' turn into 'clutch' sundevil? I agree that individually a couple of those look awfully lucky... But fact is the cats find a way to win...and to blame injuries is just a lame excuse for losing. U of a beat asu with our freshman qb gimping around with a bum foot,so what? Don't discredit hard fought games with the injury excuse,that's the way sports go.

BUT....asu wouldve NEVER beaten u of a last year if Ashley didn't get hurt! Lucky scummers....haha


Clutch is driving down the length of the field with < 2 minutes to go in the game to score the go ahead TD (aka p manning, e manning, flacco, brady, rothlisberger, montana, young, favre, elway, etc)

Clutch is not throwing up a prayer from mid-field to have your prayer answered by the WR catching the ball in the middle of several defenders.

Clutch is not backing into a championship because another team lost.


I am very sorry but I do not know which game you were watching because Solomon most certainly WAS NOT gimping around with a bum foot last saturday when he played asu. pretty sure I remember him scrambling to the right while being pursued by a couple defenders to throw a strike for a TD in the 2nd half of the game.


Injuries are a part of the game but playing a team when they have multiple starters out due to injury is extremely fortunate and should be considered lucky.


don't think I said anything about any of these games not being hard fought so not sure where that is coming from.


fact is they did not get their nick name (cardiac cats) this year for no reason. question is, have the kitties used up all of their lives this year or does rich rod still have a few stashed in his pocket for tonight? we shall see.

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By the end of a long football season every team is beat up with injuries. It comes down to depth and the next guy stepping up.

Was there anything lucky about UA going on the road to Utah, losing their QB for half the game and still putting the beat down on a quality opponent?

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By the end of a long football season every team is beat up with injuries. It comes down to depth and the next guy stepping up.

Was there anything lucky about UA going on the road to Utah, losing their QB for half the game and still putting the beat down on a quality opponent?


nothing lucky about that and that is why I did not include it in my original post of things they got lucky on this year. thought I was pretty specific with my list.

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Solomon was questionable before the asu game he sucked it up and made some huge plays, but he wasn't 100%.

Scooby taking the ball from mariota to seal the game was clutch.coming down with the hail Mary was clutch. Forcing the fumble and then driving for the game winner vs Washington was clutch.stuffing the scum devils 4 straight plays from the 1 yard line was clutch...that's was the best one too!

Its OK sundevil,if the cats lost to the devils last week I'd probably scramble for excuses and call it nothing but luck too. But you don't become champions of a division with 5 ranked teams in it by just being lucky...

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80% of Oregon fans have never stepped foot in Oregon.

The other 20% have never been more than 100 yards away from a Starbucks or an organic granola bar in their entire lives.

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Solomon was questionable before the asu game he sucked it up and made some huge plays, but he wasn't 100%.

Scooby taking the ball from mariota to seal the game was clutch.coming down with the hail Mary was clutch. Forcing the fumble and then driving for the game winner vs Washington was clutch.stuffing the scum devils 4 straight plays from the 1 yard line was clutch...that's was the best one too!

Its OK sundevil,if the cats lost to the devils last week I'd probably scramble for excuses and call it nothing but luck too. But you don't become champions of a division with 5 ranked teams in it by just being lucky...


very much aware that solomon was questionable but there is a big difference between not being 100% and "gimping around on a bum foot".

scooby's play at the end of the OR game was clutch. I never said it wasn't. playing OR on a week when they had 4 starters out was lucky.

converting a hail mary prayer is most certainly NOT clutch. it is lucky and that is why they are called hail mary prayers.

washington was most certainly NOT clutch. washington could have run the clock out but the coach made a BONE HEAD error and miscalculated how much time was on the clock and how much time he could burn by taking knees. lucky win.

stuffing the devils at the goal line was clutch. the cats got lucky in that the starting center got injured and had to leave on 2nd down. the cats also got lucky that asu had 3 starters out for the game.

these are not excuses. these are facts that were in favor of the cats (aka luck).

I also never said it was all luck but there was a whole lot of luck involved in it.

what on my list from my original post was not luck? I was pretty careful and objective with my list and have spoken with several real ua fans that agree that there has been a whole lot of luck involved in how their season has played out this year.

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Hasn't Oregon beat ASU every time since, in their last seven meetings (i.e 2005, 2006,2007,2008,2009, 2010 and 2012)? I would say the Duck has Sparky's number. Next year it won't be so easy with Texas A&M and Oregon on their schedule.

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Forcing the fumble vs Washington and turning it into a win wasn't just luck,I don't care that Washington screwed it up. Asu had luck too and u of a are the division champs.period. injuries are nothing but a sorry excuse for losing.I've always believed that,even when I played competitive sports and was the injured player.its part of the game,good teams fill the void and find a way to win not make excuses.

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