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Wildcats Big Day

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An exciting day for Cat fans. Can the Wildcats beat Oregon twice in one year. Odds say no.


Great play by the Wildcats can win the day, even if the oddsmakers have us as 14 point underdogs.


Hopefully Mariota will end up as a Scooby snack, Solomon can throw for 300, and Wilson will bust out another big running game.


GO Cats!






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I'm an ASU fan hard core, but I'm also a Hard Core PAC 12 Fan! The best results for the PAC 12 to stay in the final 4 play off and a shot at the title is the Ducks to beat Arizona. Believe me I love seeing Arizona get beat down, but I don't ever want them to beat someone in the PAC 12 that has a better rank then them. Nor do I want someone that is ranked less then Arizona to get beat by them unless its ASU :)

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Gonna be a tall task. Oregon will be more focused this time. They have more to lose. But if Uofa plays loose and goes after them aggressively like they did the first 2 times, then they have a good shot. I think Oregon intimdates most schools and because of that the other teams dont play well.

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Hopefully Rich Rod will mix things up a bit. Oregon will be ready for the style of play they received from the Cats the last 2 meetings. Aggressive is good. Predictability, not so much.

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I hate Oregon so much. in fact I hate them more than ASU. GO WILDCATS!!!!!


We will win and get into the playoffs as long at AZ keeps doing what they do and not make mistakes. Don't get fancy and give up the big plays. Make them work for it and I think we will pull it off. I have the same feeling I did back in 1997 with the basketball team. We shall see.

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that kid freeman went to school here in Imperial high, his parents still live here. the town is pretty hyped to see a local kid playing at top college level. I'm not to much into college football but I guess I can get me a 18 pack and watch this game! should be good, good luck to both teams!!

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I hope they win but got a bad feeling. Cats never won the big game to get em in the rose bowl. Hopefully they can win a big one. They should suit up Mike Bibby and let him run the offense........BOB!

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I think the game tonight will be a very good indication as to whether ua is a good team or just a very lucky team. so far this season almost everything has been pointing towards luck. I am speculating their luck runs out tonight but we shall see.


lucky to get out of UTSA with a win

lucky to play oregon when they had 4 starters out due to injury (one replacement was a walk on and another was a true freshmen)

lucky Hill Mary to beat Cal

lucky that ASU beat USC with the Jael Mary

lucky that the Washington coach blew the end of the game by not downing the ball 4 times

lucky to play ASU when they had 3 starters out due to injury

lucky that Stanford beat UCLA


unlucky to miss a FG at the end of the game to loose to USC


if they can fill their holes on the offensive line with quality replacements, ua will be good for several years due to quality soph WRs, fresh QB and RB and soph LB.

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At what point does 'lucky' turn into 'clutch' sundevil? I agree that individually a couple of those look awfully lucky... But fact is the cats find a way to win...and to blame injuries is just a lame excuse for losing. U of a beat asu with our freshman qb gimping around with a bum foot,so what? Don't discredit hard fought games with the injury excuse,that's the way sports go.

BUT....asu wouldve NEVER beaten u of a last year if Ashley didn't get hurt! Lucky scummers....haha

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There is lots of luck involved in any sport. Even teams that run on pure talent, need a little luck to win sometimes.


Better lucky than good. Tonight will tell the tale.

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