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Feral Hogs in Az!?

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While buying a tripod adapter for my new glasses this weekend, I discussed my upcoming wild pig hunt in Ca. w/ the guy at the gun shop. He informed me that there was a feral hog population right here in Az & claimed to know someone who had shot them here. He explained that since they're not a game animal, all one needs is a hunting license & you can blaze away.


I'd never hear anything about this in Az. before, so I'm naturally skeptical. Called game & fish to make sure that it was legal, if they were here. They told me that since they're a non-native species and not classified as a game animal, they're controlled by who ever owns the land they're on, so they passed my off to the Tonto National Forest, who in turn passed me off to the Payson Ranger District. These folks told me that they were not in charge of regulating any type of hunting for anything, and their biologist stated that he had never even heard of a feral hog population in Arizona.


I did, however, find mention of Feral hogs in Arizona's Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy. They mention feral horses, burros, goats, domestic sheep, and hogs, stating that they are severly impacting wildlife by overgrazing, compacting soil (trails), and polluting aquatic systems through waste accumulation. I also found a website that listed Arizona as one of 23 states w/ feral hog populations.


This is news to me. Anyone on here ever spot these guys? I never have, but I also haven't spent much time around Bloody Basin, which is where I was told to look.

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I have only seen "feral hogs" in AZ one time and I couldn't believe it. It was about 1 mile in off the Stoneman Lake Road off I-17 and about a mile south of the road. My dad and I were out hiking and saw a small one thought it was a javelina and got onto a group of about 10. Really neat to see wish one of us would have had a gun.


They are in AZ but there are far a few between. I have heard that there are some on the Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge.

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This was really big in the late 80's. The story goes these hogs got loose from a ranch over by Winslow.

And yes if you see one you can smoke em up. They are not native so.....


I have seen pics of some of the ones that were taken around the chavez pass area.

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Thanks for the confirmatioin guys, its appreciated. I'm heading to CA for a week next month, but after that I'll plan a trip for the Bloody Basin area that other feller recommended. If I don't score in CA, maybe my new Diablo will get to lose its virginity on an AZ hog! ;)

He told me that there wasn't a lot of herds there, but if I did find one it would likely be big. I guess that's as good as way as any to kill time until the early archery hunt.

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There was a confirmed sighting of some hogs on the strip last year. I have also heard rumors about some in the Blue Ridge Res. area.

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Well, I'm back to harping about "write it down" :unsure:

Yes I have seen them once and forgot all about them till now. :huh:

I was javi hunting and thought I hit the Mother Load :o

They were across a cayon about 200 yrds and just was not sure what they were

Once we figured out what they were I did not smoke one being unsure of the legalities.

I'm sure I will never have another chance


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  DesertBull said:
There was a confirmed sighting of some hogs on the strip last year. I have also heard rumors about some in the Blue Ridge Res. area.



Thats where I was chasing them as a youngster just N.E. of the reservoir. :rolleyes: And Chavez pass as mentioned before.

Never got one though. :( :(

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I have hunted them just west of Tucson as well. I never got in to get a shot (i was hunting them with my bow) but I did find them. There were nine in the herd we were on.

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You see, this is why this site is so great. I call three different gov. agencies & nobody can tell me anything about these animals, one biologist says he's never heard of them in our state, but I put a post on here & in less than a couple hours I hear from a half dozen or so people who have seen them with their own eyes. Shows you where to go for you answers, doesn't it. :lol:



That's a great pic of that lad w/ his hog. That's a big ole sow, but I think that kids smile is even more impressive. I love seeing those Chuck Adams grins on people w/ their kills, instead of the "I'm so serious" scowl. After all, this is supposed to be fun, right?

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Yep the rumors are true! I shot one about 8 years ago with my bow down near San Manuel. It was a young one, perhaps 50 or 60 pounds. There were a bunch of other young ones in the herd with a big sow. I'm guessing the sow weighed over 100 lbs.


Some guy had a farm or ranch down there I think on the San Pedro river? The pigs were out of control and were tearing up the place so he wanted them shot. I was on private land, but the pigs were running wild and not constrained by fences or anything. I'm not sure how they got there or if they're even still there.

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There is a fellow who has a wild hog hunting ranch on the San Pedro just south of Reddington road in the Cascabel area. Sometimes they get out of his place and become fair game for the rest of us.

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Jacks Canyon was the last place I heard of them, which is also close to Chavez Pass. I am going to hit that canyon this summer and see if they actually live in the area. David

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Years ago I saw some feral pigs just south of tucson. They could have gotten lose from some nearby homes, a few miles away, or from the Pima county fairgrounds, I think there were two adults and one juvinile. I could nearly walk up to them so I imagine thats what happened. I haven't seen them in years but i haven't been down there that often anymore. My dad also found a hudge hog skull with about two inch tusks going strait out to the side in the same area. Who knows maybe there are a few down there still but my guess there isn't or they just gotten loose. I'll post a pick of the skull when I get a chance, its over at the folks house.

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