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Coues 'n' Sheep


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Here are a few sheds My 9 year old son Jakob & I found a couple of weeks ago. Jakob found the spike while he was hunting rabbits & the big brownie about a mile from the truck, I found the smaller one. ;) This was his first brownie & the first brownie of the year for us. I was walking right next to him when he yelled out (dad I got one!), man was I proud!...I spotted the smaller one about 75yds. off the road while we were driving, his was much more well deserved...LOL. It was a great weekend!







Whoohoooo......it's about dam time you start postin' pic's! Now get some of them "freaks" up on the other thread, I know you got a few ;)

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Sweeeeet man those are great finds. Sorry some1 ruined it for you dude!

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