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Anyone used Doe Decoys for Archery?

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I've seen a couple of these lately. I'm wondering if anyone uses them or has experience with them. Do people use them more in the rut, or just anytime to try to get another layer of stalk protection? Doesn't seem like a bad idea. May be hard to handle that, my bow, release, binos, range finder all at the same time though.



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I tried one of the m's.november inflatable ones a few years ago. Scared away the first two deer that saw it, the second of which was a very nice 4x4 coues deer. After that I return it and haven't tried it again since. I did buy the mr.october one that can be either a buck or doe, but haven't tried it yet. I think they got spooked because I had it in a standing position and it wasn't moving. Probably be less unnatural looking if positioned in a bedded down position.

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I got one for my wife to help her close the distance from 100 to under 50 yards. Got the bow mount with it also. As soon as I got we hit the woods. Within 5 minutes we saw 2 small bucks with 3 does. My wife got to 36 yards with it attached to bow walking slowly towards them. When she drew back the decoy spun around and the does spooked a little and then 2 quads came right down the road and gameover. I should have showed her how to lock it in not complicated but my wife needs a little extra time to see how things work. The decoy did seem to work though.it will be in my pack this December.

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