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Ferguson, Missouri

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This whole thing is a huge waste of our hard earned tax payers money, and should have never even gone to the grand jury.

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Guest wdenike








These people are ANIMALS, and a disgrace to their heritage and race. Just like our commander and chief, absolutely no difference. When the heII are we going to all become AMERICANS FIRST??? And pledge allegiance to the flag, and make it the country it should be.




Take care, Willie

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Doesn't matter what color you are. Attack a cop and you will get shot. Officer Wilson should consider moving to another state. He's a marked man.

I am pretty sure he has been in hiding. Tough break for him as I believe his career in LE in done.

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Liberalism is to blame.

Generations of voters have learned to keep the free goodies coming, just look for the D beside the candidates name.


Millions of youths not knowing whom their "baby daddy" is. No responsibility, no accountability... When you don't get what you want, blame racism and take what you want.


Now we have a president trying to establish another under privileged class with Hispanics. Stay tuned

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No responsibility, no accountability...

That is the whole enchilada right there. I literally watched a St. Louis reporter blaming the police for the animals destroying the black owned part of town. She said the cops weren't there and that let them destroy the area. Hello.... what about the animals committing the crimes? It must be someone elses fault, definitley not theirs.

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The only racism involved in this whole dang deal is the fact that the idiots are demanding the officer be charged for murder simply because he is white.

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