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First Time Tag Holder Anxiety

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glass in the morning and find water in the pm. stay warm goodluck you'll do just fine and don't be picky on your first hunt or you my get tag soup. goodluck

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wear orange! 10 is like 6a nowadays. Good luck and enjoy the hunt!

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The ranch will have some people on it. If you don't like walking more than 1/2 mile, expect some competition for glassing spots. If you don't mind walking a mile or more, don't expect too much.


I was out there for the deer hunt. Now, granted, it's not a deer hot spot....but I saw three other vehicles in our general hunting area the entire 10 days, and nobody on foot. Pretty much on par with previous deer hunts, with the exception that this time we didn't even run into anyone scouting for elk at some of the easier glassing points.


Last elk season, I had one guy beat me to a spot I wanted to glass opening morning. He earned it. I was pulling up to my jump off spot to hike in from, and his vehicle was there...at 3:30 in the morning. I later heard they were already up on top of the hill at 3am that morning. I saw his vehicle parked on the same side of the road leading to the obvious glassing point a mile away, and just kept going to my plan B spot.


Was up on a hill about day 4 last year, and saw some other guys start up. They didn't see my truck parked down the road. About half way up they noticed me, and turned around and left. But I was within 1/2 mile of the road scouting out places my nephew wouldn't have too much trouble getting into.


Other than those two times, I had zero competition for a spot, and saw nobody on foot in the areas I was scouting for my nephew.


My brother had his son out, who has some physical ailments, so he was limited in how far he could hike with his son. They had a couple problems with people "invading" their glassing spot despite knowing someone was up there. But they couldn't get much further than 1/2 mile from the road due to the kid's condition. And in general, they had a very high quality hunt (despite the lack of elk sightings last year).


Yeah, you'll see some people. May even have some people interfere with your hunt or push some elk around. It will be nothing like it is hunting the NF in other areas...as long as you drive a ways from town....and hike a ways from the roads. If you stick close to town, or close to the main roads, expect to see people though.


One thing about the ranch...No ATV's. Seems to weed out a lot of guys who are out there to be lazy, play on their toys, and road hunt. Oh, it still happens, you'll see guys creeping along in their trucks occasionally, but the frequency is much less. And won't be anyone driving an ATV through the area you hiked a mile into to glass. For the most part (sure, there are some exceptions) the people I see out there are there to hunt, and hunt hard.


My first time out there 10 years ago or so, I wore a camo orange vest while walking to and from glassing points. Haven't felt a need to wear it again since out there.


My advice, park your vehicle at your jump off point on the same side of the road you'll be hunting on. Most of the crowd that hunts out there seems to respect that, and move on. If you see someone's vehicle parked on the same side of the road of the point you want to go to, you might expect someone is already there, and you should be courteous and move on to your plan B spot. To me, if I can't get up early enough to make it to a contingency spot in case my Plan A is taken, that's my problem, and not the guy who hauled his butt out of the sack at 3 am to get there, and I won't interfere with his hunt because the only spot I had planned for that morning is taken.


Having said that, I have accidentally bumped into people where I didn't expect to see them. And have had a great time chatting and glassing with them. General rule is if he minds me being there after asking, I'll leave. If not, we'll glass, share information, help each other out, and the first on the hill gets first rights of refusal.


Have I run into azzhats out there? Yeah, a couple. One in particular. He was lost, and then with righteous self indignation tried to correct me when I went to orient his map to North, 180 degrees from how he had it oriented while trying to help him out with his "which way is north" question. He asked me what we were there for. Told him scouting for deer. He said he was there for elk, and proceeded to question me on just what we had seen in the way of deer. A little strange. I didn't give anything up. Just had a bad vibe. He stopped by camp one night to "chat". Again, I just got a strange vibe. Anyway, he knew we were there for the deer hunt. Arriving at "our" camp (the camp he knew we were using) a week before the hunt, there was a tent there. A tent that remained unoccupied until the evening before opening morning. Well...guess who's truck was in it that night? Yup...the same guy. Was trying to weasel out information and took our camp by staking claim to it (and the nice stack of firewood I had going) 2 weeks before the hunt. I know he was deer hunting because he and his buddy were flailing helplessly about "still hunting" the area we were glassing about day 2 of the hunt, rifles slung, without a deer within a mile of them.


Think I rushed to help them when I saw his truck die from my glassing spot a mile away a couple days later and watched them walk out? Still know the truck. He'll still be wearing out boots walking out before I give him a lift.


Anyway, I'm leaving in 5 hours, and will be out there through the end of the hunt. If you see a silver Tacoma double cab with an ARB bumper and winch on the front, flag me down, or stop in camp for a beer, and we'll chat.

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Good stuff Dave, ill be in a Black Ram 1500. I'm working through Monday and heading back to the ranch that evening. Ill be coming back to Phoenix Thursday to have early thanksgiving dinner. It's my grandmothers 90th birthday and I talked the family into doing thanksgiving at my place so I wouldn't have to go to New Mexico and drive to AZ Thursday night. Ill head back put after dinner. I you or anyone else on the forum forgets anything in town or needs anything shoot me a PM. I should also have a healthy supply of turkey day leftovers is be happy to share.

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I am betting I will be the only one in there driving a car haha, but luckily my friend will be up with a truck opening evening.

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