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First Time Tag Holder Anxiety

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I'm starting to get this anxious nervous excitement. It's a type of feeling I haven't had since just before my first son was born. I drew my first tag in Unit 10 and with almost a week til my hunt I'm getting more and more anxiety each day. The few times I was able to get out I didn't see much of anything. I have a friend coming up from New Mexico to help me. He knows elk but he doesn't know the area. I got us both permits for the Boquillas ranch. He will be with me for he first weekend but has to head home Monday so after that ill be flying solo. I'm open to any advise that anyone is willing to share.

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Good luck on your hunt. Just remember anything can happen on your hunt. Be ready when the opportunity presents itself. I've been on hunts where no elk at all were spotted scouting, then opening day they were everywhere and vice versa. I would look for the most roadless areas and brushy hills. Don't know 10 but we'll be right across the highway from you.

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Good luck on your hunt. The anxiety will be back for every tag!

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Only a week away I cant wait for my hunt either my daughter is driving me crazy her first hunt ever good luck to you

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i know exactly what you are going through. I drew my first elk tag ever in september after putting in for 6 years straight and it was a unit 8 early archery tag. i had so much anxiety going in to that hunt and then after my experience on opening morning being 40 yards rom a 340 bull with no shot, i thought it was going to be too easy,then realty set back in because the rut was non existent for the next 5 days and i ended up full of anxiety again, after missing a shot on day 4 at a 300 inch 6/6 i ended up shooting a 5/5 on day 8 of the hunt and i couldn't be happier. All of the hype seemed to be everyone else's expectations for my hunt but once you realize that you can't eat horns and a dead 285 5/5 bull is just as dead as a 350 6/6 it all comes together. good luck on the hunt.

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The anxiety will not get any better now you will have AZ elk fever!! Biggest advice I can give you is ENJOY the experience!! Just getting the opportunity to be out there chasing elk is what it is all about. Don't put to much pressure on yourself. Good luck and have a great hunt!!!

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Enjoy Gods country to its fullest, its okay to go home empty handed, you can't eat all the wonderful memories u will have. I take a video each day of my hunt usually with my best hunting buddy about something from the day or an experience we had together. Also take pictures, az does have the best sunrises and sunsets, you can take 20 seconds away from your glass to enjoy what God gave us. Enjoy your hunt, I am not even hunting and I am having trouble sleeping at night, I feel like my old lab and the duck/quail guns are by the door.

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I am getting the same way, if only it didn't wake me up at 4 in the morning thinking about it but part of it is probably being 18 haha.

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I will be right across the road from you too. And not for me, but for my 12 year old daughter! Talk about pressure. Like others have said, enjoy your time. Take photos of all you like, sunrises, sets, cool trees, squirrels, whatever. Memories and time spent in God's country are rewards enough, an elk will just be a bonus. Getting away from the hustle and bustle of society will be an amazing experience. Pressure to kill will only hinder that.


With all that being said, best of luck.

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My son and I will be sitting in that very spot in less that 48 hours, watching the world wake up, and hoping for our first peek and preview of some nice bulls to pursue come next Friday morning!

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