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My 2014 Coues Buck

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The tribal deer hunt on the San Carlos Reservation started on October 18, 2014, After 4 days of hard hunting and passing a couple smaller bucks, I shot this dark antlered Coues buck at 300 yards with a Winchester 7mm. The day started with me having to get some business taken care of all morning and finally managed to finish around 1pm. I decided to call my brothers up to see if they wanted to come with me for an evening hunt. And of course, they agreed. We got to the area I wanted to hunt and climbed this huge ridge and got fully setup and began glassing around 4pm. After seeing a lot of does, fawns and spikes, my brother spotted a lone buck walking in the brush near the bottom of the ridge across from us. After looking at him through the Swarovski SLC's (yes I love my Optics) I decided I wanted to take him home. I pulled out the rangefinder and ranged him at about 300 yards and setup my rifle for the shot. One shot was all it took and he fell dead in his tracks. After a few high fives and all the excitement, we proceeded down to the buck and dress him and prepared him for the pack out. I'd like to thank God for blessing me with such a beautiful animal and I have a lot of respect for any game that I take. I also want to thank my wife who puts up with my crazy hunting passion. I hope you all enjoyed this post. (The last pic is a cactus that we spotted, with my naked eye, I thought it was a bigfoot carrying something along the hill. hahaha.








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Awesome, congrats, and don't reveal big foots location.

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Nice pics

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Congratulations on a nice buck! That cactus is definitely worth a double take.

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