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What kinda plant is this? Can I eat it?

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That is gymsum weed aka loco weed. Poisonous!!

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Devils Claw. Yes you can eat it. But that looks like it past its prime. Cut off the pod and it will dry out the you can plant it in the spring and harvest the pods in mid to late summer.

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Don't know if it can eaten, or why you would want to eat it, but if it is devil's claw it is what Arizona's native Americans use for dark colors in the baskets they weave..........


My wife and I took basket-weaving classes from a Papago woman in the late 1970s, and the first thing we did was collect the devil's claw and other materials for our baskets. I can tell you that whatever price they ask for a basket, it is worth it! My wife and I each spent more that 100 hours on the baskets we made.............


I decorated my basket with silhouettes of bighorns around the sides and was flattered when our teacher offered to buy mine. I was the first man to take her class, she said. .......



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The title of this post would make for some famous last words.

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After the pod dries out and splits there are seeds in the thick end. They ain't bad. Ate a bunch growing up. Lark.

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Welcome back, my young friend. Your wisecracks that include much wisdom have been sorely missed. I look forward to resuming our debate about the "eastern" whitetail.


Bill Quimby

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that is devils claw - it is not jimson loco weed


devils claw has the long curved bulbs- unicorn plant some say it looks like elephant tucks - it is edible


jimson weed has a big white flower and a thorn/ porcupine bulb that can cause halucinations and even death


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Interesting. I came across some squash type plants down south a few weeks ago that had some sort of gourds on them. I thought they resembled pumpkins only yellow instead of orange. So I picked a couple and brought them home for the kids to carve. I wandered if they were edible too.

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