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Any bulls still running with cows?

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Curious what you guys that have been blessed to have time in the woods recently have seen. Wife has a hunt starting Friday, in the lower Juniper country of 18A. Haven't been able to get out in a few weeks. I assume by this time all the mature bulls have gone solitary? What have you seen this time of year?

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Had a report yesterday from unit 7 of a 5x with a group of cows.

Hey thats some good news! Gives us a little more hope anyhow. She would love a chance at anything branch antlered.

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Yep. Still seeing bulls with cows here in the white mountains.



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I had the late archery Bull hunt in unit 27, 5 years ago. Saw smaller bulls still running with the cows. That was mid November. A couple of those bulls with the cows were nice 5 x 5's. The big bulls were off by themselves.

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That 18a hunt is tough. I had it last year we finally killed a couple cows 3 weeks in. We did see some bulls the first couple days then they just disappeared.

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I was up in Unit 1 the weekend of Oct 24-26. At that time, bulls were still running with the herds. Still got some bugles that ran as late as 10 AM. I expect by late November the bulls will be solitary or in small bachelor groups.

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The bull in my avatar was killed on a late archery hunt and was running with some cows. It is all luck if you can find a cow that didn't take the first time around there will be bulls around.

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Some bulls still bugling like crazy up under the rim last week. I actually only saw 1 bull that had cows with him. The rest were solo but screaming. :)



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