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Early Arizona Wildlife Trophies editions

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FS, Arizona Wildlife Trophies Record Books

one-1970 Arizona Wildlife Trophies book, 1st edition. Excellent condition except the lower corners bumped slightly. $200.00

one-1975 Arizona Wildlife Trophies book, numbered 401 of 1000 copies. Fine condition. $250.00

one-1990 Arizona Wildlife Trophies book, numbered 1228 of 1500 copies. Fine condition. $150.00

one-1995 Arizona Wildlife Trophies book (Silver Anniversary Edition), 401 of 1000 copies. DJ and book both fine condition. $65.00

I would prefer to sell these together if possible. If interested in the set the price would be lowered accordingly. These prices are with insurance to your door in the lower 48 states.


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As I mentioned in my other book ad in the classifieds. I'm in the process of recovering from losing my optics bag in a home break-in. I'm replacing what was lost and the only thing I have not replaced is my compact binoculars. I would consider a trade for a good used quality pair of compacts for these books. I emphasize "good" quality.

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