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Some days I wake up grumpy

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Some days I wake up grumpy...


Other days I let her sleep...



This is a small story about my wife's hunt. No names are given or implied (including Grumpy). Chronology is purely WAG.



Woke up on Thursday morning (10/23) to set up camp and hunt in Unit 34B. After spending the week getting ready, we were rarin' to go. Not much of a story, there were people already scouting the area we hunt. Found our camp site and set up. Next morning as we were getting ready to leave camp, a ute went up the road past our camp. Went to Plan B: Hunt the opposite direction. Found more people in that direction, but the die was cast.


Glassed Friday morning, nothing. Friday afternoon, nothing. Saturday morning, ...yada, yada yada. One thing for sure, the grass was high and thick. Great cover for any animal that likes to sleep during the daylight hours.

I did glass a doe and never saw more than the top of her back and her head and neck.


We met a real cool guy from Benson on Tuesday afternoon on a road we were starting to go down. He had broken camp that morning and I thought he was gone, but he came back alone. My wife says we should exchange phone numbers in case either one of us got into trouble. He and his party had already had two rattlesnake encounters.


Heard shots about 5:30'ish, glassed over, and couldn't see anything. Got a call about 6'ish, the guy says he made a 400 yd shot and thought he had a hit, but it was getting too dark and he would be back in the morning with his compadres to look for blood.


Wednesday morning, we set up on a knoll overlooking a windmill. I could glass him and his two buddies up on the big hill, 800~1000 yds. About 8:15, it sounded like WWII, seven shots real quick, and the guy and friends dropped off the hill and out of sight. At 8:45, heard another two shots from the same direction. Got a call from him about 10:00, he and his two buddies were on a ridgeline one ravine over that was running parallel to our little hill and was looking for directions as to the best way to get to the road we were on. I hiked across the ravine to help him and his friends carry over a nice 3X3 and offered to drive him over to his ute. Guy says after hitting it he chased that buck down into the bottoms and across a couple of ravines One of his buddies was closer and in position and it took the two extra shots to put the deer down for good. His buddy put his tag on it. They were done for the day, we can have the hill to ourselves if we want.


We (I) had decided to change positions and glass the north face of the big hill. Zip, zilch, nada. After sitting in the sun from 1:00 to 2:30, wifey said she had had enough sun. Good call on her part. We backtracked and went to an eastern ridge and sat behind a big mesquite that we could look through and glassed the east facing bowls and hillside of the big hill. As soon as the sun went behind the ridgeline, we moved forward and sat directly under the mesquite and glassed hard. Twenty minutes later a 3X3, a 2X2 and a spike came off the top feeding towards us. Ranged them at 295 yds. Wifey could see the one in the middle best and took a shot.


I have never seen this before, but that 2X2 buck fell over, rolled and slid, rolled and slid, rolled and slid about 35 yds downslope. Wifey grabbed her pack and started up the hill. Guess who forgot the rifle?

Turns out the 2X2 was really a 3X2. The third point on the left was pretty small and didn’t stand out much. There was plenty of daylight still left, but by the time I went back to retrieve the rifle and made it up the hill, we could see we weren’t field dressing on the side of that mountain. Grabbed an antler and started down. Didn’t take much effort, just kinda steered the deer. Got to the flatter part of the ridge and gave the guy a courtesy call to tell him wifey had killed a nice buck. Guy replies back that he and one friend came back and are one mile west of us and if we need help, they’ll come over and lend a hand. That was two bucks in one day!!


Broke the blade of my Uncle Henry breaking the pelvic bone. dang! Finished the field dressing with my backup knife. Three of us carried the buck off the mountain and to the vehicles, wifey carried the rifle.

After breaking camp and heading out the next morning, we glassed the hills looking for our new found friends. Saw where the ute was parked, but we couldn’t find them.


Got a call from the guy Thursday night. They were in position to glass before sunup that morning. Didn’t see anything on the hill, but about 9 they spotted a nice 3X3 across the basin some 700-800 yds away. They watched it go into a mesquite thicket and not come out. The guy halved the distance and sat under a mesquite for six hours. About 4’ish, he spotted movement in the mesquite and got ready. When the buck stepped out and turned broadside, he shot it through the heart. He ranged it at 350 yds.


Good times were had by all. I learned this a few years ago and thought I’d pass it on to you.


A week camping and hunting with your buddies makes you appreciate camping and hunting with your wife.


A week camping and hunting with your wife makes you appreciate camping and hunting with your buddies.



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Nice Buck! Congrats to the Wife. Great story. It's nice to see that most people out hunting are still courteous and helpful!

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Nice buck, good write up. I love 34B, makes me homesick.

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Cool! Congrats! Sounded like a great adventure!

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I love the buck, and that "G-Unit" has got to be a classic!

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  On 11/1/2014 at 4:47 PM, kidso said:

I love the buck, and that "G-Unit" has got to be a classic!

Thanks. The wife is very proud of the buck.


Picked it up at a resale shop, did not know anything about the clothing line. I guess some rapper made his mark in the clothing industry...


Do I have to throw it away now?

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Make sure you tell ol grumpy I said congrats.

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Great write up thanks for sharing.

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Congrats to your wife. I enjoyed reading your story.

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