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catfish campbell

3C Elk Poaching....what a waste!

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Took the wife and a buddy out hunting for their Mule Deer Hunt last weekend and found where some loser had poached a mature bull elk. The elk had been shot multiple times, horns sawed off and left to rot. Was reported to G&F hotline hopefully those responsible will be held accountable!



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What a waste! Hope they catch whoever did this.

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Even if the animal was taken legaly the perosn did not take any meat.

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I will never condone anything that resembles a poacher or poaching but IF and its a big IF the person could not find a bull for a few days, the meat would be spoiled and nothing to take but some antlers, so it doesn't have to be a poaching incident, but that is unlikely, because the last bull hunt in 3c ended weeks ago.

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I wonder if the green tag in the ear is a G&F tag denoting either a poaching investigation, an animal hit by an automobile, or a lost animal found after a hunting season and G&F took the antlers? It looks to be fairly recent though, as it appears there are still eyeballs in the skull, and birds would be on this quickly. Also no apparent bloating noted from what I see, or signs of animal feeding on the carcass. Do not put it past some people to shoot an already dead animal. I have seen it first hand.


Plus, if it is an animal that was hit and injured by a vehicle, then it would be legal for someone to take the antlers. I know if I clipped an elk and busted up my truck, the antlers would be at least a little compensation for me. I would take them.


Care to shed some light on where this carcass is located?

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Wow that's a sad sight and such a waste. If it was poached, I hope they catch the person who did it!

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i came up on a fresh elk gut pile that had the nuts and everything left there while was deer hunting 3c. but anyways, did you guys get one i didn't see the report if you did?

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