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Here is a picture of what we thought was the beginning of the northern lights. This was the darkest I saw it all summer. I guess the few hours of sleep I got each night were during the darkest parts :P



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Here is another one for you to climb Scottyboy. This is a picture of Mount Rainer. Taken through one of the oldest crappiest spotting scopes I have ever seen :lol:




Just checking to make sure to see if anybody is still looking at the pics haven't seen any post in a while :ph34r:

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I still look in on them longing to spend some time in AK and see for myself. Till then your pics and narration will have to do.

Keep em coming

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Good to see people are still looking! I was getting worried without someone else posting on the topic in over a week :blink:

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We had 2 camps at our lodge. There was the main lodge and the "tent camp" lodge only the tent camp lodge had a bunch of custom made cabins made by yours truly :P Well in the outhouse that was standing there this sign was in it. The tent camp lodge was actually an old german gold miners camp that was made after WWII.



Very cool sign is it an original?

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Is that Washington State, Mount Rainier? It looks a little differnt from the one in Washington State.

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Christian, I think that may be a different Rainier than the one in WA.. looks more vertical and shorter than the one in WA, but I may be wrong and this might just be a different angle of the mountian.


And BTW, we've already got our trip booked, plane tickets bought and legs in shape for Rainier!! We're flying out to Seattle on June 1st and we'll be climbing Rainier on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th.. We're the first group of the summer season and they are telling us that the snow pack is DEEP this year and that will make for some super good travel on the glaciers.. it also keeps the crevasses more predictable..


now if I can just get used to that 15,000ft. air I'll be just fine!!


If we knock Rainier out with realative ease, than Denali in AK will be in our sights within the next few years.. It is a mighty big undertaking though.. both in cost, time and common sense!! Its almost 21K ft.. We've got tenative plans already to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania in either '08 or '09 so that will come first before Denali. Should I decide to do those, I'll have to unfortunately put the brakes on the hunting for a few years.. Those big hills get mighty expensive after awhile!!


BTW, you took some really great pics on that trip of yours!

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Different Mount Rainer. This is one in Alaska that we could see from the lodge. I may be wrong on the name but that is what I was told it was.

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For the next 2 weeks or so I will be posting pictures from a flight seeing trip I was able to do because 2 of my clients wanted to get an upclose look at McKinely (sp?)


This is a pictured of a glacial run. Really awesome to see in person.



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Josh that is an original. We found a box that had about 100 of them in it at the lodge at the "tent camp" so we decided to post them up around the camp.

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Here is a picture from the flight seeing trip. This was not McKinely but it was on the same range and is around 15000 feet. Just so pristine and untouched. I loved it.



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Man you can really see how much carving a glacier is capable of in that first glacial picture. I would love to see that in person. Definitly my favorite pic. of this thread so far. Glacier pictures are awesome IMO.

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