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That really sucks to hear. I load my less valuable stuff the night before but leave anything thats worth some money by the front door. Had some of my neighbors here in avondale let themselves into my jeep before so dont risk it. Glad he's still able to get out. Good luck hope we see a grip and grin picture!

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Hey proslayer, I work with your dad. He just told me the story and that really sucks. With globe being a small town someone you know probably knows the people who did it. Hopefully they will do the right thing and turn the low lifes in. . I try to be the optimistic one in a group so with keeping with that at least he was able to get one heck of a nice buck.

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I make sure I always load everything up in the morning. I live in Globe and just when you think it is okay to leave everything in your vehicle is when it happens. I will keep my ears open for any deals in the area. You also might wanna call Desert Eagle guns and tell Borris about the gun. They may try and sell it.

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That's a major bummer.


Anytime I load up the night before, I make sure to keep my optics and guns inside the house and take them with me in the morning. I stress out having the high dollar items in the car.

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Dang these stories piss me off. I have a tweeker house around the corner. We (the neighbors and I) watch them like a hawk and they know it. I only hope one day they realize what they are doing to their lives and choose a better path. Drug addition is not fun.

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We have through the years had several of these stories......do you think it is next door neighbors who see us pack up? Do people really drive around looking for hunters packing up?

Maybe they pay attention to the different hunts?

Or am I giving them too much credit???


Somebody stole the ash tray out of my old 79 ford a few weeks ago..... 7 cents in the ash tray.......my guess punk kids that wanted to let old man wood shop teacher who was boss............

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That sucks, hopefully they accidentally shoot themselves with your gun. I am too paranoid to put my guns, pack or glass in my rig before I leave. I even scheduled all my big ticket items with my home owners insurance. It didn't add much to the yearly cost and if anything gets stolen or even lost it gets replaced with no deductible. I know this does not help your current situation, but maybe something to think about for the future.

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Had this happen to me a year ago. One of your dads neighbors watched him load it ( almost a guarantee)that's what happened to me. Got my rifle back and the tweeker is back in prison. Push the issue wth Globe PD or they won't follow up. Good luck.

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Sorry to hear about this.


I hope your father had a rider on his homeowner's policy that will cover his loss. Insurance companies have ridiculous limits on what they will pay for firearms and optics, and some don't cover firearms at all without a rider.


Hunters need to do an inventory of their toys and sit down with their insurance agents to see what's covered and what is not.


They also need to review their coverage frequently. I had a rider on my firearms for more than 20 years that I never got around to updating.


I forgot that guns appreciate in value over time, or that I had acquired more of them. When we were hit by burglars, insurance covered less than half of the replacement cost of the 35 rifles and shotguns that were stolen.


Bill Quimby

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