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4A cow

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Well, after waiting five years wanting to draw a bull tag, this year I was shocked when the results said I drew a cow tag as my first choice. The following day, I called the g&f because I put in paper and thought I could clear things up. Well, come to find out, I put hunt # 3031 as my first choice. But, it was supposed to be 3131, unit 9 bull as last year as my group struck out with three late rifle tags but saw tons of elk on the early hunts.

Well, anyways I sucked it up and was happy that I had a chance to hunt ELK again. And since it was a cow tag, I figured I could bring along the family.

I did my homework and scouted during archery deer throughout august. Bought a leftover turkey tag for oct 3 and got there 2 days early.

The day before opener, we hiked into my glassing spot from camp. Only to find bulls screaming in the deep canyons and a whole herd of cows feeding in the open. My son was amazed to actually hear them and see them walking along the hillside.. Opening morning we hiked in the dark to the same location. We got there an hour before sun up and sat the area until 11:00. That's when lil man got impatient(me) and circled around to drop down in the canyons. Spent a whole day getting lost in the deep timber. But it was totally worth it as we found 5 nice 6 point sheds all different sizes. After making it back to camp right at dark, we made a quick hamburger, had a cup of hot coco, and put on the movie,Rango, for my boy under the stars.

When my alarm went off at 4:30 am ,neither my boy nor my other half would budge, so I headed out solo to the same glassing location only to come back at noon empty handed. After a quick power nap, I loaded everyone in the truck to go drive some roads where I've seen elk off throughout all my scouting. Well, needless to say it paid off and we located a herd within the last hour of light. I was able to take a nice cow at a little over 300yds.All I can say, is everything worked out perfect and I was able to see a lot of new country and spend some quality time with the family.



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Well done! That is a toad of a deer also.

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Great eats and tasty meats!

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Congrats on a successful hunt with the family. We're looking forward to a late cow hunt in unit 9 ourselves.

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Very nice!! Yummy, lots of good meat!!! Congrats!! What an excellent way to spend time with family!!

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