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Shooter McGavin

unit 27 cow tag filled

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Opening morning 10/17 @ 7:25 AM, unit 27 cow tag filled. Only 3 out of a group of 10 tag holders in our camp were lucky enough to fill tags. It was a great weekend, the bulls were still bugling and it was exciting getting on them to see herds any where from 7 on up to 40 cows with them. The other two guys who filled their tags were first time elk hunters, furthermore it was their first kill ever. The nights were very chilly waking up to frozen water and ice on everything. Dropped off all 3 to Miller's in Springerville, can't wait. Fantastic hunt, now just waiting for my Muley hunt in November.


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When you go to pick them up in Springerville stop in at Avery's and say hi to my buddy Lance.

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