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Last season I was fortunate enough to draw the 3 day unit 27 rifle tag. I didn't get a buck, but I saw about 20 coues along with 3 bucks. I did make one scouting trip before my hunt, and found most of the deer right in Clanton Draw just as you enter the national forest. But when I got there for the hunt, that is where most of the people were camped which kind of screwed up the deer hunting around there. So I was wondering if anybody knew any better places in that unit that are away from the campers but also have good deer density and good glassing areas. If you have any comments about this I would love to hear them.

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Guest CDN

5yrCH, I too have drawn unit 27. Missed a 95er. My partner missed a solid 110-115(witnessed). Its real simple in that part of the country. Get deep in the national forest. I am not saying a guy could'nt do good off the Geronimo Trail but it's tougher. I took two scout trips. I glassed am/pm but spent several hours talking to ranchers/landowners. This proved to be a tough nut to crack. Some guys would talk deer all day but no access. Others were flat rude. But there are a couple that are worth a shot. No guarantees though. I too am still trying draw this tag along with some of my hunting buddies. If you get drawn go deep through a couple of access points. This can be done on both the north and south sides of The Trail. You have to meet these people. A phone call alone won't always cut it. Good luck! CDN

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