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Feral Pigs...???

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There have been some questions/ debate about feral pigs around the central part of the state. I put some cameras out and this thing showed up.I could be wrong but this doesn't look like a Javi to me. A good place to get a pig none the less.




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i believe that is a jav. i believe feral hogs exist. i am interested where. 50,000 rifle deer hunters in az last year, spent many days hunting. how many saw or bagged a feral hog in az??

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Those are javis I'd say. By far the most feral pigs in AZ are in the Havasu Refuge and you can not hunt them. They even come into town on occasion. Some city worker was charged. They live in the impenetrable salt cedar and Mesquite right along the river and Topoc Marsh. As said above, with all the hunters out, you'd think more would have been killed. Some guys that are killing them, may also be keeping quiet. They can be very hard to locate without dogs in some areas. I'd say the average hunter in AZ has superior glass than the average hunter in any other state too, so if feral hogs were roaming around in any numbers, I think someone would spot them.

The pigs along the river will not spread too far because once you get away from the river you have desert so hostile we don't even have Javelina over there. Feral pigs are 20 times more dependent on water than Javis.

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