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Guest wdenike

Didn't want to derail the can ya still hunt 32 topic

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Guest wdenike

Just noticed it was heading toward what negative impacts guides may be having in accessing land. Also how ego enters into the game. First off, this is my feeling, hopefully I'm entitled to it. I feel guides are right there with lawyers, real estate agents, and yes politicians. And the people that frequent these establishments. Are a product of the fast food mentality. ( I want it fast and my way, and will pay what it takes. ) And also don't really want anything to do with the hard work involved leading to harvesting an animal. That most of us consider Fun and part of the hunt. Notice I said Harvest and not leading to a SUCESSFULL hunt. As a successful hunt is in the eye of the beholder.


I guess the egotistical thing is the main drive. As to much of this mythical search for a lively hood doing a hobby that one loves. After traveling down the road of life. If a person pays attention. He or she will quickly put the pieces of the puzzle together. That whether its race horses, hounds, bird dogs, hunting, ect. If you follow the money trail. You will find an individual with a fair size ego. That made their money else where, and really doesn't need a penny from guiding. And darn sure isn't giving up the goose that really laid the golden egg. And those that appear to be semi doing well. Do so at the expense of twenty to fifty monkeys. Ruining their trucks and equipment, for pennies on the dollar. To be able to say I'm guiding for so and so. Who really didn't quit their day job either.


So I guess it is safe to say. I agree with one of the other posters on the other topic. When you mix money, and egos with a sport that is for enjoyment. I don't think the sport fairs well.




Take care, Willie

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Yep, the guy who only has one kill in 15 years. = one hit wonder.I Draw EVERY year I put in. I bust my ars. Don't always tag out but I hunt. Not kill. I go jogging once in awhile, doesn't make me a marathon runner.

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