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Big Browns

Guns for sale

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I have a few more guns I'm trying to help my neighbor sell. Every gun is in MINT CONDITION! All guns are located in Queen Creek.


1. S&W model 1950 45 acp. SOLD


2. Winchester Mod 70 7mm LEFT HAND XTR Classis. This is a beautiful gun. Amazing wood! Less than 20 rounds fired. It has a factory Boss Muzzle Break. Comes with a BSA scope(I think it's a 6-18x50) $550


4. 50-70 Win Chaparral Repeating Arms rifle. This gun started out as a 45-70, he had the gun bored to 50-70 specs. This is a really nice looking gun. $1050


5. Sig P226 with 2 mags. This is a .22lr $400


6. Taurus Tracker 22 lr/ 22 mag with trigger job $400


7. Freedom Arms Field Grade 475 Linebaugh. Comes with a Leupold Scope mount(no scope), Trigger job(3 pound trigger), V sights, Redding dies with redding profile crimp die, Dillon 550 tool head and about 200 rounds of brass. Amazing gun! $2350


8. S&W 629 44 mag 6 inch, 200 pieces of brass, Dies, Redding profile crimp. $700






















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