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Non-Typical Solutions

Septembers Critters

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Little background on the pictures. Exactly one month ago we went and set some cams up in a draw we thought might have some coues deer. Half a mile in we hit our first water seep in the bottom of the wash. The further we went in the more water holes we bumped into. When we finally found some deer sign we decided to set up cameras. On our way in we bumped into several bear tracks in the different sandy areas in the bottom and at one point we bumped into a water pool that had been recently "stirred up". We were pretty sure we had pushed a bear up the draw we were in.



Now one month later, water is running pretty good down this same draw but 5 minutes up the draw we found this.


Here we go again, looks like we have another bear sharing the afternoon walk with us.

Then we bump into this interesting scrape.



Here is a shot that shows the water going down this draw, as said earlier this was dry at the end of August except for spotty small pools here and there.





Cole tried to set his cam up down low over one of those pools, hid it really good on the bank and had it strapped to a big rock. I told him the bears would make a wreck of it pretty fast but he is a teenager so you know how that discussion went. The Moultrie cam is way wrong on date and not really sure about time. The Covert is pretty accurate.


So this is what his trail cam looked like when we got in there.




Camera had a few bite marks in it but the camera still worked and we had a couple of pictures off his camera, this is the last picture we had on his camera so this guy is the criminal.




I had two cameras set up just above the wash on what I thought looked like a game trail. One of my cameras actually is in view of the other camera. After reviewing pictures I have decided I kinda like that set up. Her are some pictures from one of them, the other camera shot video clips and that was fun to watch as well.


Here is my favorite.




Then there is this little guy.




Then there is the fat one.




And this little bugger.




Nice looking cat.




And finally the only deer that came through our cameras.....what a monster......at least it was a buck. Cole said he would be happy to take this little two point.




Great day trip in and out the water definitely changed the traffic. I love the bear pictures we had tons of bear pictures but I was really hoping for more deer.

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Those are great!

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am i missing the cat? nevermind i see it now. sucker blends in

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am i missing the cat? nevermind i see it now. sucker blends in


I was thinking the same thing, I was figuring the cat would be bigger in the picture but the size of the surroundings is deceiving.

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Looks like an awesome spot! Gotta love those bears.

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Those are great!

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I don't know really very much about cams, I have gone the cheapest route and I bought 2 of these Coverts from a friend that didn't use them.

I fight with the programming every time as it is hard for me to know if I really have the right date and time.

Here is a picture of the Covert that I have, it must be an older model as I know there is a Covert II.





It actually has video capability and one of the cameras I had set at this spot somehow I set to video. I don't know how to post those or I would have, it was fun to see the clips of critters walking through.


If you look close in the tree you can see my 2nd Covert it is the one that was set on video and my angle down was not the best so I caught a lot of bear ears, backs and my single buck that came in just barely his ears and the little forks.

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