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Think about this, USC, was top 20 team, ASU with a second string quarterback and one of the youngest D,s in the country, and they pulled it off. Game management is a problem however, that occurs with a QB with a few starts. This team is going to be a juggernaught in a few years and maybe next year if the D gets improved with recruiting and staying healthy.


Go Devils

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The media rarely has any love for the PAC 12. I doubt any PAC 12 one loss team gets into the playoff.

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The media rarely has any love for the PAC 12. I doubt any PAC 12 one loss team gets into the playoff.

I'm sure a two loss SEC team would get more consideration. I bet two one loss SEC teams would get more consideration than an unbeaten UA since all the "experts" at "ESPN" only believe one conference plays football.

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I think UCLA and Oregon had early enough losses that if they start clobbering everyone and win the Pac 12 championship they will be right in the mix of the top 5. Big IF...


We really need ASU to hammer Notre Dame, if you are a fan of any Pac 12 team you better be routing for this one. With this the only out of conference game anyone has left it will be a big part of the rankings.


Even you UofA fans better be channeling major positive juju at this game!

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best game I've seen in a long time!

You must have not watched the UA/Oregon game then... or the UA/CAL game...

I rather poke sharp sticks in my eyes than watch any of the UofA games

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Allways east coast bias. in all sports. Thats why I have cheered for all pac10 teams for 35 years..No respect. I hope Cats Basketball can pull it out this year....................BOB!

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Allways east coast bias. in all sports. Thats why I have cheered for all pac10 teams for 35 years..No respect. I hope Cats Basketball can pull it out this year....................BOB!

I agree. My team is the wildcats, but I root for all pac 12 teams when they play the east.

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If the SEC beats each other up, its cause there a really good strong conference, but if the Pac-12 does it, its cause there weak. The fact that Oregon beat Michigan State and has the same record now yet ranked ahead of them proves the bias. Its obvious. No I dont think the Cats can go undefeated but the conference talent wise is alot more level throughout, minus Colorado, then its ever been. Even Washington State has come along way. Hard to tell who really is good and who is not right now.

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Allways east coast bias. in all sports. Thats why I have cheered for all pac10 teams for 35 years..No respect. I hope Cats Basketball can pull it out this year....................BOB!


come on Bob, time to turn in your man card for already talking about who of a basketball. IT IS STILL FOOTBALL SEASON, and the kitties are undefeated and ranked #10 in the nation (plus this is an ASU thread).

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With Stanford, UCLA, ASU, USC, and Oregon having a loss, I highly doubt the pac-12 will have a representative. Of course, with Alabama losing as well, the field might be wide open!

It should be interesting...gonna be tough for any SEC teams to get out undefeated too.

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I am a Sun Devil fan first . been to many games over the years. Never been to a cats game. Bottom line tho is I am a die hard basketball fan and ASU aint had a great team since the early 80's with the late Ned Wulk. Why they can't find a coach that can recruit is beyond Me. In the late 70's early 80's they had a Black Assistant I think his last name was Howard, and He would connect and recruit the talent out of the west coast. Now the devils get all the guys the top teams don't want. My daughter and her husband are ASU grads so Yes I am an ASU guy, but allways get mixed up and gotta talk basketball too. Like I said earlier I think both will end up with 2-3 losses in football............ BOB!

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