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What is the difference between picking up this elk and picking up a dead head?

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What is the difference between picking up this elk and picking up a dead head?

Technically picking up a dead head is illegal. The carcass must be checked out by g&f to make sure the animal died of natural causes before you can take it.

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What is the difference between picking up this elk and picking up a dead head?

Technically picking up a dead head is illegal. The carcass must be checked out by g&f to make sure the animal died of natural causes before you can take it.
Not necessarily. . If a head is old enough without flesh or hair it is fair game to pick up no matter what happened to it. In the end calling azgfd is only gonna benefit azgfd. Not gonna help you or the guy that legally killed that bull. Best bet is try and find the guy that killed it and can prove it. Or just come back at a later date once hair and flesh is gone and it's all yours and azgfd doesn't get anything out of the deal.
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What is the difference between picking up this elk and picking up a dead head?

Technically picking up a dead head is illegal. The carcass must be checked out by g&f to make sure the animal died of natural causes before you can take it.
Not necessarily. . If a head is old enough without flesh or hair it is fair game to pick up no matter what happened to it. In the end calling azgfd is only gonna benefit azgfd. Not gonna help you or the guy that legally killed that bull. Best bet is try and find the guy that killed it and can prove it. Or just come back at a later date once hair and flesh is gone and it's all yours and azgfd doesn't get anything out of the deal.
Once the hunt is closed he can't legally take the bull, whether he can prove he shot it or not.

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Once the hunt is closed he can't legally take the bull, whether he can prove he shot it or not.


He knows that, he just doesn't care. Nor would I. There is nothing illegal about telling someone where a bull is located. If he picks it up illegally, that's his problem.


I really don't see why people are getting bent out of shape about this. Maybe everyone's. Little testy cause they are stuck working instead of hunting like me.

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Here we go again, bottom line unless that elk died of natural causes it now belongs to the state of Arizona and for those of you who are confused when I say state of Arizona I mean the AZGFD.

Wrong! If they don't find it, and it bleaches out, it belongs to the first one who finds it. Screw the poachers at AZGFD!


You are an idiot if you cal G&F to report a kill...

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Technily, EVERYONE is incorrect about who the animal belongs to.

Arizona is part of the United States, and the US has a strict policy for game management. There are laws established called the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, and all animals are held in Public Trust. Meaning the animals are owned by the PEOPLE, not the government! The AZGFD just MANAGES the game.


As for the sale of antlers, I do not see how this does not violate the Lacey Acts of 1900 & 1907. It is still the commercial sale of animal parts.

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Guest 300ultramag.

Technily, EVERYONE is incorrect about who the animal belongs to.

Arizona is part of the United States, and the US has a strict policy for game management. There are laws established called the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, and all animals are held in Public Trust. Meaning the animals are owned by the PEOPLE, not the government! The AZGFD just MANAGES the game.

As for the sale of antlers, I do not see how this does not violate the Lacey Acts of 1900 & 1907. It is still the commercial sale of animal parts.



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Guest 300ultramag.

If you shot a 320 bull... And lost it... Do you think the game and fish would ever call you? even if you reported it gave the exact mile marker the exact GPS spot as where they found it....absolutely not!!!!!!!! Then why on earth would you be their eyes and ears if they wouldn't do dick for you? . This stuff makes me sick... Why support or help them when they do nothing in return for us... We volunteer out time we donate dollars we help rebuild water catchments we attend organizations that help the az wildlife whid indirectly is doing the g&f's job....i say don't help or support a department that won't lift a finger for you... If they were transparent and exerted the tiniest bit of effort for us then heck yah... But the truth is they don't. They don't care to build a relationship with the hunters.. Nor maintain a relationship... They want your $$$, your time ,donations and they want you to report game violations to them. Wake up people...

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Technily, EVERYONE is incorrect about who the animal belongs to.

Arizona is part of the United States, and the US has a strict policy for game management. There are laws established called the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, and all animals are held in Public Trust. Meaning the animals are owned by the PEOPLE, not the government! The AZGFD just MANAGES the game.


As for the sale of antlers, I do not see how this does not violate the Lacey Acts of 1900 & 1907. It is still the commercial sale of animal parts.

So G $ F is violating the Lacey Act?

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Technily, EVERYONE is incorrect about who the animal belongs to.

Arizona is part of the United States, and the US has a strict policy for game management. There are laws established called the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, and all animals are held in Public Trust. Meaning the animals are owned by the PEOPLE, not the government! The AZGFD just MANAGES the game.


As for the sale of antlers, I do not see how this does not violate the Lacey Acts of 1900 & 1907. It is still the commercial sale of animal parts.

So G $ F is violating the Lacey Act?


I am not sure of the legality of the sale of elk antlers but a single entity. Read the Lacey act and tell me what you honestly think.


It was established to curtail the commercial harvesting of wildlife for the sale of parts. Commercial sale, to me, means for a profit.

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Pm sent. Thanks for doing this.

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Technily, EVERYONE is incorrect about who the animal belongs to.

Arizona is part of the United States, and the US has a strict policy for game management. There are laws established called the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, and all animals are held in Public Trust. Meaning the animals are owned by the PEOPLE, not the government! The AZGFD just MANAGES the game.


As for the sale of antlers, I do not see how this does not violate the Lacey Acts of 1900 & 1907. It is still the commercial sale of animal parts.

I 2nd this they are stealing from US! I understand that people would shoot animals and let them rot a while then go back and pick up antlers so they now made it illegal to posess skull with flesh unless you legally harvested.. but holy crap if I pay for a tag and shoot an antlered animal last minute of hunt and cant find for 2 days im supposed to just leave the head??? Shame on you G & F for proffiting from my misfortune.


I miss the old school G & F cowboys that would stop by camp and have a cup of coffee or a steak with legal hunters. I miss the real G & F officers and what they brought to our sport!

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Here we go again, bottom line unless that elk died of natural causes it now belongs to the state of Arizona and for those of you who are confused when I say state of Arizona I mean the AZGFD.

lol like i give a care.

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