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Rutting in 24B?

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Anyone know if coues bucks are still in the rut in 24B? If not, what month are the bucks rutting until in this unit?





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Not sure about 24b but they were going crazy in 31 Saturday morning and the rut in 36b wasn't kicking in good until the third weekend in January so my guess would be they are still rutting.

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This time of year the rutting activity is probably hit and miss. My guess is the rutting activity that younghunter saw over the weekend is the second rut. If a doe does not breed during the first rut in January she will come into cycle again in about 30 days. Usually the second rut is not as wide spread as the first rut and can often times be focused around a single doe that has gone into heat.


From my experience with 24b most of the serious rutting is occuring the last week of December into the first week of January.

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