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Have you been following me all around the woods? Just kidding. Happens all the time, and when a bull answers, these guys trample all over my hunting area, ruin my hunt, and then wound an animal and leave to find an easier one to track.

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Ha ha I think that guy had a few twins up in 8 for the last two weeks but one of them was in a dodge cummins sounded like straight pipe from turbo back cuz I was a half mile off the road waiting before the sun came up on a draw that the elk use and I could hear tha truck loud and clear. He would turn it off throw out a horrible bugle wait a half a second fire it up and drive another 100 yards and do it again. All we could do was laugh gotta love them dodge Bulls

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I used to have poly bushings on my old 86 Toyota. They would squeak over every bump. I actually had a rutting bull come charging toward the truck in 6A years ago.....

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I've seen it a few times. That is why I put down shoe leather away from the roads. Because that is where the bulls are going to head when they hear these morons.


Seen it for turkey too. And once for coyotes.

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LOL. I seen it the other day in 4A. They were driving a older ford truck with no exhuast and Loud as heck. Would stop every 1/8 mile on road and let out a bugle. LMAO.....

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Hahahaha. On my wife's last elk hunt we made it back to the truck after a long morning. We were sitting the shade eating some lunch just relaxing on the edge of this meadow. As we are sitting there we hear a quad putting up the road from the far side of the meadow. Before he clears the trees he stops and turns off the quad. Maybe 1 minute later he lets out a few cow calls. I just happened to have my bugle still around my neck so I let out the biggest baddest sounding bugle I could. A short wait and out pops this young mans face from behind a tree. You should have seen his expression. We all started laughing and yelled gotchya!!! Have never laughed so hard in my life. The young man went back and got his quad and pulled up and talked with us for a bit. He said I couldn't believe that, thought I had a big ol rank bull right off the road here. Hahahaha

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Many years ago, saw a guy that had a loudspeaker mounted to the top of his truck. Much easier than having to roll the window down and blow through a tube!

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