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Hearing aids will help with your tinnitus because you will hear sounds that you couldn't hear before. But hearing aids will not make your hearing back to what is was. When I first got mine it sounded like my wife was breaking the dishes in the kitchen. My diesel sounded like it was going to blow up. The nice thing about them is you can turn them off when needed. LOL I have mine set for louder than normal on the 4th setting. Just don't shoot your gun on that setting the audiologist told me. Even with insurance they are costly.

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I recommend Game Ears for you. My dad was an avid snake hunter who was very hard of hearing. I never really understood it myself him out there rattler hunting when he couldn't hear them half the time.


I do not like those things at all. I've seen too many of them over the years. I wear protection down south (see my avatar).


I think the timber rattlers tend to surprise you even more because we aren't used to seeing them as much as the desert rattlers. Be careful. You know the drill look over rocks & logs before you step, etc, and don't sit down I guess if you don't have your Game Ears on...lol :)



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