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My oldest son Matt had the unit 1 archery bull tag this year. While we weren't able to get a bull on the ground we had an amazing time. Between school schedules, football coaching, etc., we really packed in as much hunting time as we could.


This was his first ever real big game archery hunt. He's done well with javi's and rifle deer hunts and turkeys, but I think it was eye opening how tough even the premium archery bull hunts can be. We were in elk every day we hunted, and we hunted hard the full time. Fri-Sun both weekends, and up by 3 every day during the week, hunt - go to school/work/coach then back in the field until dark during the week.


He almost tagged out in the first 45 minutes of his hunt opening weekend on a really nice bull. I'm so glad he didn't. The time we spent together for the rest of the hunt, learning together, getting close to big bulls over and over - passing smaller, and honestly some really nice bulls in hopes of getting one of the big boys, making mistakes and talking about what we did right and where we messed up, really brought us closer together. And we have no regrets about lost bulls due to bad shot placement. Even when things looked tough, he opted not to take shots he might have made but knew there was a chance of bad placement. No blood, but lots of memories.


I sure was looking forward to posting some success photos from our hunt. But those only exist in my memory as I recall the hunt with my son.

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That's awesome. I have many fond memories of spending time with my dad as we tried to figure out archery hunting together.


I can hardly wait until my sons and I have the same opportunities.

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Yes, it would have been sweet if you could have posted some awesome pictures of Matt's bull but the memories you now have of all the time spent chasing them bulls will out weigh any bull. Memories as you know are priceless. I know how hard you hunt and the time will come when you do post Matt's bull. You're a blessed man to have your sons as hunting partners. You have shared many pictures of the boy's success over the years and I look forward to many more pictures in the future. :)



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That, my friend, is what hunting is all about. The racks will come, but the time spent on the hunt with family and friends is the real reward. Glad you got to have the experience!!!

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It sounds like you and Matt had a great hunt. It is so special to have time like that with your son. As he becomes an adult, the kills will come, pictures will be posted, and freezers will be filled, but time between father and son will be more difficult to find. Cherish this hunt and the memories made.

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Wish I had a son I could take hunting.

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Kudos on the time spent making those Father and son memories that will last his lifetime. The value of a hunt should never be measured in inches or pounds, but in the time spent enjoying each others company. You sound like you truly understand the value of his hunt! Congrats again to you and Matt!

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Sounds like an awesome hunt. You and your family are very blessed. You're doing things right for sure. Many happy returns headed your way.

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Very well said Coach. Not only are the memories going to be great for you but your son will cherish this hunt forever! Beats pictures anyday!

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Some of my best times in the hills was with my dad. we did not always get one, but I always walked away from the hunt learning more about hunting and about my father. Memories I will always cherish as he has passed now. Love to see other people doing the same. great times.

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Awesome...glad you had such a great time and so many memories with your son. Thanks for sharing.


Funny how passed shots or missed opportunities and unfilled tags still lead to such great memories. Often greater than filled tags. I know that's what keeps me coming back...if I counted on filled tags I would have quit hunting years ago.

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