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Unit 24B Coues help!

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I drew the October 24th rifle hunt in 24b, for Coues and would appreciate any help or ideas of where to start. I have never hunted this area as I mostly stay in unit 23. I have gone up scouting by Montana mountain and wasnt in love with the area. I plan on going up by Roosevelt lake this weekend.


Does anyone have any advice as far as areas to look at? I have seen what Game and Fish says about it but haven't had much luck. I don't mind hiking at all to find them, just trying to find a spot that isn't overrun by atv or dirt bike riders (Queen Valley area). Any advice would be much appreciated.




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People on here are not usually too excited to give away any advice as to where to hunt, especially when it is post number one. the montana mountain/rogers trough area gets POUNDED 365 days a year, whether by hunters or just people out riding around. check azgfd.com

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I'm not super familiar with the far west and northern edge of the unit, but I've killed a few deer in there. They're literally all over the place. October rifle hunt will likely be crowded, but there's some pretty steep terrain between Superior & Globe that holds them and is completely inaccessible by motor vehicles. Superstition wilderness area also holds plenty of opportunities if you're willing to pack in & get away from the crowd. A word to the wise though, you've got a chore on your hands to get one out of those areas. The last one I packed out was pretty small 2x3, so I took him in one trip, but it was back-breaking to say the least. A 1.5 hour hike in was a 3.5 hour hike coming out. The next one I shoot in there I plan to bone out on the spot & leave the skeleton behind.

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Best advice for you besides what was said above is stick to the ocotillos. I find most of my coues that way. Good luck.

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Thanks for the advice guys! I am new to this site and appreciate everyone being so open for advice. From what I have found, sounds like the Superstition Wilderness area and areas north of Globe may be best bets. Crazy as it seems that would be Mulie country.

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The Montana Mountain area has a lot of ATV traffic, most of which aren't hunters. And the hunters that do use he area rarely leave the roads.

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I have a similar issue, But I have the late coues tag and my dad has the late Mulie hunt both in 24b. I will be up scouting soon around the roosevelt side of the wilderness. good luck on your scouting and hunt.

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Thanks for the advice guys! I am new to this site and appreciate everyone being so open for advice. From what I have found, sounds like the Superstition Wilderness area and areas north of Globe may be best bets. Crazy as it seems that would be Mulie country.

Make sure you identify which of the two before you shoot as I have seen both in some of the same areas. I'd hate for you to shoot a young Mule Deer mistaking it for a small racked WT.

If you can hunt after the weekend there will be less people out there.

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Thanks for the advice guys! I am new to this site and appreciate everyone being so open for advice. From what I have found, sounds like the Superstition Wilderness area and areas north of Globe may be best bets. Crazy as it seems that would be Mulie country.

Make sure you identify which of the two before you shoot as I have seen both in some of the same areas. I'd hate for you to shoot a young Mule Deer mistaking it for a small racked WT.

If you can hunt after the weekend there will be less people out there.


Excellent point Predator. I once stalked to withing about 45 yards of a nice heavy beamed muley buck out there only to get busted by a herd of coues deer that was feeding about 30 yards away from the mule deer. Never even saw those little turds until they blew out of there & sent the muleys out the other side. They're range overlaps and they often like the same type of areas.

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They do overlap a lot! I used to bow hunt that area and whatever type of breed of buck stepped in front of me I was willing to take a shot at him. I've seen couse from apache lake all the way up to globe. Pick an area and Glass Glass Glass

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Here's the deal with 24b. It's a small unit for 450 tags. Access points or somewhat limited, so you will see the same 10 guys driving the same road over and over. The North side of the unit gets A LOT less pressure than the South. The biggest thing is to park the truck/side by side/atv and walk in a direction with no nearby roads. I have found that putting 1 canyon between you and a road will open up a ton of country. The hard part is that once you do that it's awfully tempting to go one more, and then one more. . .


Every square inch of the unit is Couse habitat, so look for a vantage point that no one else wants to walk to and then go for it. Pickup a lion tag, there are plenty in there.


Oh, and don't overlook the ocotillo's.

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Thanks for all the advice guys! I will be up scouting a few roads off the 188 this week since I will already be up there for a turkey tag in 23. I am curious to see how that 225 road is. Looks like it provides access to good country.

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