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Tripod adapter for SLC HD'S and Kaibabs

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I recently purchased a pair of the new 10x42 Swarovski SLC HD's. I also use a pair of 15x56 Vortex Kaibabs. I am looking for an adapter system that will work on both of these. I saw one from The Outdoorsman but I dont know if there is a different stud for the Vortex because they dont have one listed. Any info on this would be great.

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I believe it's the same but if I was you I'd call them. And no body else makes a adapter system that worth damm.

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With the outdoorsmans set up you can have two studs that you leave in the binos and one adapter you quickly switch back aand forth. For everything the outdoorsmans does well Web design is not one of them. But they more than t make up for it with in store/ phone support.

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